Catholic, to Baptist, to Torah

by on June 05, 2013

Here is an interview with a young woman who grew up going to a Catholic church, switch to a Baptist church and now attends a messianic assembly after discovering the Torah Life.

2 comments on “Catholic, to Baptist, to Torah

  1. Renee Reeves on said:

    Thank you for your video series. I greatly enjoyed the interview of the woman whom has come from a Catholic to Baptist to Torah walk. I have been Catholic for the last 12 years. I followed my best friend into it, but 7 months ago ran across websites showing that many Christian faiths were steeped in incorrect teachings/practices. I have dealt with the same frustration in teaching or speaking with others. My family is unequally yoked so it is extremely difficult on me. My step dad a non practicing Catholic refuses to hear me. My mom is slowly starting to study with me. This year we are learning to keep the feasts. Being unequally yoked has caused strife in our family and I will admit yesterday I cried so much. I have been for the last 7 months having such a struggle to keep going in my walk. I appreciated hearing her way on truly approaching it through love and patience because that might be the problem as to why he is more resistant. I need as much help as I can get, but have not found a Messianic mass to attend so I learn studying KJV, Hebrew to English, and Aramic to English scripture and online instruction. Yesterday I just said to Yeshua I am completely weak and really such a sinner from my past that this walk has humbled me/sometimes I feel pretty unworthy. It is difficult to feel as if you are struggling alone.

    • tlmadmin on said:

      Hi Renee, I have met so many people who feel alone when they see the Truth but remember you are never alone. Yeshua is always there.

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