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Answering The Call
After traveling the world more in a year than most people ever travel in a lifetime, I have seen such unhealthy eating patterns and immodest living amongst people, even so-called believers, that it tugged on my heart for a long time. I had been teaching about diet and health, but once I developed a personal relationship with our Creator Yahweh, the call came and the plan followed. The call was not just to witness the disrespect to Yahweh, but to do something about it. To be a light in the darkness!
I have been called by Yahweh to teach those who have a desire and a passion to please and obey Him but lack the knowledge of how to do so in certain areas. This calling has brought me to many dark places around the world to teach about health and modest living.
Strengthening the community of Yahweh, starting with our core structure, our heart, mind and body is the call that is being answered. I want to teach people to have a passion for Yahweh’s Torah (instructions and guidelines) in all areas, especially the areas that are often missed, health and modest dress.
Yahweh has blessed me with knowledge about health and the Scriptures along with a vision of true modesty, and a boldness to proclaim the truth. These messages don’t sit comfortably with many because so often we are not obeying Yahweh’s guideline on these subjects.
I am not looking to teach a popular message so he can be well-known, in fact the mission is not about me, it’s a message Yahweh has put on his heart that so few people seem to be teaching today.
Father Yahweh has put this calling so much into my heart that I can’t not say anything. It’s a joy and passion of mine to teach people how to eat, live and keep the root of the community pure.
In my study of diet, modest living and spiritually, I find that most of our illness is a result of abusing Yahweh’s blessings. He gave us food as nourishment and clothing as protection and we have taken it and made it a sinful pleasure by over consuming everything we stuff into our bodies and showing our nakedness to the world.
Too much of a good thing can quickly become harmful and with diet usually does. As for how we dress, in the Scriptures nakedness and shame go hand and hand.
Here is what Yahweh says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask about the ancient paths, ‘Which one is the good way?’ Take it, and you will find rest for your souls…” —Jeremiah 6:16
It is a calling by Yahweh to all of us to know how to preserve the body in the very best condition of health, and it is a sacred duty to live up to the light Yahweh has graciously given us. Breaking any of the health and modest living rules Yahweh has given us is no different from breaking one of the Ten Commandments: we suffer the consequences for either.
Yahweh has given us a simple choice: life or death (Deuteronomy 30:10). We have got to make the right choice each time we get dressed or sit down to eat!
The reality!
More people have gotten disease for not following Yahweh’s eating guidelines than any other cause of sickness ever! We are committing suicide with the way we eat. We should be continually growing closer to Yahweh and becoming healthier physically, but we are going the other way when we eat in excess and the wrong foods. Even worst, on the topic of immodest living, more people have been led away from Yahweh by lipstick and high heels than any other device of the enemy.
The Real Calling!
Let’s face it, the real calling is not about diet, health or dress, it’s about obedience! The first sin of man was not about eating some apple. It was about disobeying Yahweh. Just as Adam and Eve suffered for their disobedience, we continue to suffer for ours. However, we are given another chance to make things right with Yahweh’s grace. Each day we have a chance to restore all the damage we have done, but we also have the choice to lose all we have gained (Ezekiel 33: 12-20).
Why we are being destroyed!
Hear the word of the Creator, you Israelites, because the Creator has a charge to bring against you who live in the land: “There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of Yahweh in the land.
There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed.
Because of this the land mourns, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and the fish of the sea are dying. —Hosea 4:1-3 [NIV]
In Hosea 4:1-3 above, our Creator is telling His chosen people of Israel that without faithfulness, knowledge, and obedience to His guidance, they will be in trouble. They will be filled with sadness, and their health will decline. So will all life around them.
This is the most important thing to remember and keep with you from this entire book: Be faithful, kind, and continue to get knowledge and understanding of His Word. Even if you don’t understand His Word, stick to it. He is our Creator and wants only the best for you.
This call is not just for me. It’s for everyone!
There was a plan designed for us long ago, and eventually everything will be in the end as it was at the beginning.
…Everything I plan will come to pass… —Isaiah 46:10 [NLT]
Do all to the Glory of Yahweh. Yeshua didn’t die for us so we can live overeating, treating our bodies like trash and waste buckets and living immodestly. Each day we need to be thankful for Yeshua and treat our temples with respect. There is no denying it: eating and drinking have a direct bearing upon our spiritual advancement and immodest dress and living in relationship with Yahweh. We must free ourselves from the lust of man! We must break the patterns that have destroyed people for many years.
Trust in Yahweh with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths. —Proverbs 3:5-6 [NLT]