Yeshua (Jesus) Said… (Matthew 7:21-23) Part 21

by on June 23, 2013

This is part 21 in the Yeshua said series. In this video I talk about what Messiah Yehsua says about these verses:
7:12 Not everyone who says to Me, “Master, Master! will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens, but the one who does the will of My Father, the One in the heavens.
7:22 Many will say to Me in that Day, ‘Master, Master! Did we not prophesy in Your name? And we cast out demons in Your name, and we did many miracles in Your name?’
7:23 And then I will declare to them that ‘I never knew you: you working without Torah (Teaching) must continually depart from Me.'”

6 comments on “Yeshua (Jesus) Said… (Matthew 7:21-23) Part 21

  1. Joyce Savannah on said:

    Thank you. I love this series.
    Shalom Paul and Blessings to you and your family.
    I have an aunt in Arizona who needs a Bible. She is new to learning the truth of Torah and I don’t know which one to send her. I have the Chumash, Tanakh, Stern’s Complete Jewish Bible & Commentary, and AENT, but I don’t know what to send her. I know she will find the Hebrew pronunciations (names and cities) difficult, but she seems to need something for a different level of learning Torah now. I remember you had different Bibles you used for different segments of your teaching, but I can’t remember which one would be for a person who is getting away from the KJV and getting into the truth of all of Torah. Please help me if you can as she is on soc. sec. and I want to give her a Bible that will last and be as close to the Truth of all of Torah as possible with out a lot of mistranslations. I may have to save up for it but she needs this as soon as YHWH will allow.
    Thank you,

  2. Amosh on said:

    To Whom It May Concern:

    Regarding your comment that the so-called “thief” on the cross was clearly not keeping Torah, isn’t this is a premature conclusion?

    In that day, there were apparently groups like the Zealots and Lestai who believed that they had a calling to steal from the rich and give to the poor, and even took up arms as freedom fighters against Rome and the quisling government in Israel. I think the most that could be said is that their interpretation of what is justifiable in the Torah was possibly wrong.

    Moving on to the subject of Paul. Is it really possible to embrace the Torah fully while tolerating all the doctrines of the apostle Paul. After all, the people who included Paul’s writings in the late fourth century canon — which came about long after the adoption of a paganized Christianity — were presumably anti-Torah. One evidence of this is the Roman Catholic Church’s persecution of those who forbade the observance of Passover on Nissan 14, and their attempts to dissociate the death of Yeshua with this holiday.

    Does it make sense on the one hand to tell people to embrace the Torah, while we tolerate the canon that was assembled by those who likely had strong political motives for a self-styled apostle who wrote so much against the Torah?

    Kind Regards,


  3. I think you have a miss understanding concerning what most churches believe or teach concerning the law or the Torah. It is our belief that the law was and is unreachable and that is why sacrifices for sin offerings had to constantly be made during the time of the law or Torah. However when Christ Yeshua layed down his life as a living sacrifice this for filled the law. He was and is the last sacrifice needed for the forgiveness of sin. We believe that once a siner accepts Christ, Yeshua in their hearts they become one or apart of him therefore you don’t have to try (key word try) to follow the law because the word which is Christ now lives in you teaching you, guiding you, and convicting you when you deviate from His will. So as you can see we no longer live under the law (which is on the outside) but through God’s grace it now lives in us. Because God’s word lives in us and is apart of use we automatically seek to do his will. I’m not saying that we are always successful but we repent by asking God to forgive us in the name of His son Christ Jesus-Yeshua and we press forward to be obedient to his will. Through the law we could only be set free or forgiven for our sinful error by making a sacrificial sin offering. God no longer requires this from us because we are living under his grace. This in no way means we can just go about doing what ever we want! No we seek to please our Father in heaven through the prompting of his Holy Spirit. I hope this has cleared up any misconceptions. PS: I like your term renewed.

  4. Shalom! This is the 1st one I’ve watched but I really like your teaching Paul I’m so blessed to have come in contact with you and Zach and Teddy’s teaching of websites. Thanks for doing all this! So happy I came to Torah and understand and see thanks for helping me get there!

  5. Charles W. Gill in Reno Nevada on said:

    I really like what you are saying. I read Bashar in Hebrew and Greek and am Catholic. As such, I really upset the local priest when I present ideas from my reading. Know of someplace where I can bounce off my ideas and not intimidate my audience. I read once that in Orthodox Jewish Beth Midrash those who sit in the back know the least and give their ideas first. I look for the group where I would sit in the middle.

    For example, when Jesus heals the man with the withered hand he calls the man to Beth Midrash center and in the process saying something. As Baal Teshuvah and being healed he now stands in Beth Midrash center, know more from the heart than even the Rabbi who is the Torah scholar. Is this a valid interpretation?

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