Thrown In Jail for Circumcision
In Genesis 17:11 it says “and you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and you.”
The Supreme Court of Canada disagrees with the word of Our Creator and has dismissed the appeal of a British Columbia man who circumcised his four-year-old son.
The man took safety precautions, including extensive research on the topic of circumcision but was still convicted at trial in October 2009 of criminal negligence causing bodily harm and acquitted on the two assault charges for simply circumcising his child.
To make matters worse, before putting him in Jail they told the man he could not see his Children for 4 years.
Media reports following the verdict were false to make the man look guilty in the public eye. Thankfully his name is under a publication ban. This is to protect the child’s identity but will also protect this faithful man from public harassment.
I was able to do an interview with the man while he was on his way to his jail sentence of one year. This is the interview. It was conducted November 2012.
To get the address to write to him in jail email Sarah at:
Please pray for this man and his family.
Some of you may not understand or like the idea of circumcision. It is not required for salvation, but it is a big blessing to show you are in covenant with Our Creator.
Some people want it to be against the law. These are often the same people who see nothing wrong with killing babies via abortion.
The man in this video has been prevented from seeing his children for 4 year and is now serving a jail sentence for following the word of our Creator. Pray for this world people!
The man attempted to circumcise himself in 2005 and could not stop the bleeding. He had to go to an emergency room where a doctor sutured the wound.
He seems to have learnt nothing from that experience.
The boy needed corrective surgery to repair the damage from the botched procedure.
Children – all children – need to be protected from anybody, even their parents, who proposes to cut normal, healthy, non-renewing parts off their bodies. You readily agree that religious with which you do not agree should not be allowed to do this kind of thing. This should be no exception.
“It is not required for salvation, but it is a big blessing to show you are in covenant with Our Creator.”
What a crock.
Galatians 5 tells gentiles:
Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.
For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.
Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.
For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.
What kind of blasphemy BS website IS this?
If you understood Torah you would know all about the blessings of keeping Our Creator’s word. Too many Christians do not study the Bible and are deceived.
My husband was not a healthy baby ,so he was older ( 7 or 8) when he was circumsized. He doesn’t see any benefit to not doing it.
did you have a question about it?
I will pray for this man and his son. I commend him for bringing his son into the Covenant, though it is unfortunate that he did not seek out a physician or mohel to perform it with a skilled hand.
Many may not understand of “like” circumcision, but if you consider yourself a believer in the God of the Bible, then the last thing you should do is mock, hate or belittle it as some commenters above have done. After all, whether you consider it still necessary or not, our God did at one time command it of his people as the quintessential sign of His Covenant, and therefore blessed circumcision as a unique God-given sign.
I thank God that I possess the sign of His Covenant on my body, and I thank my parents who decided to have me circumcised. It is irrelevant (and, in my opinion, irreverent ) to call mutilation what is a supremely spiritual mark. Thus I could care less about the health hazards or even health benefits; it is the indelible mark of my God and that is all that matters.