Ten Virgins

by on November 25, 2020

Ten Virgins

(#327 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

“The Kingdom of Heaven may be compared to ten virgins…” (Matthew 25:1)

The intent of the parable is to express what the Kingdom is like, and knowing this has vast significance for your life of discipleship. As of yet, are you ready to sum up exactly what the Kingdom of Heaven is? Could you do it with one word? Let’s explore the parable and see what it produces; and let’s do so simply by defining Yahshua’s words in Matthew 25:1-13:

1. The Kingdom of Heaven is… [This is what will be produced in a moment!]

2. Ten = 1 (one is male) and 0 (zero is female, womb), in Hebrew Numbers (gematria) ten = 1 + 0 = 1; Yahweh is one!

3. Virgin: child yet held accountable;

4. Five and five: five senses (to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell); five spiritually redeemed and five carnally bound to the material world. Five is also grace.

5. Trimming: pruning or refinement;

6. Lamps: glistening light;

7. Bridegroom: to give away; Yahshua the Messiah gave His life for you.

8. Oil: spiritual illumination, anointing;

9. Jars: thoughts that are concealed or confined;

Two signifies opposition (male and female), unless of course there is redemption (two becoming one flesh—Genesis 2:24). Virgins are like little children who are not yet held accountable, who can be raised in homes with the Holy Spirit, or carnally without. They remain innocent (virgins) until they become accountable for their own choices. The five wise (prudent) senses are used solely to promote the Kingdom of Heaven. Yahshua the Messiah did so completely and so was deemed the [fill in the blank] sacrifice. The trimming of the lamps signifies pruning or refinement in thoughts in order to be reckoned spotless. It is the light in you becoming like the Messiah. There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. (John 1:9) The oil in the jar signifies an anointing on the once confined minds of those who master the five senses for spiritual purposes alone.

If you can now fill in the blank above correctly, you can answer the question about what exactly the Kingdom of Heaven is. Doing so, you will be absolutely amazed at how you now perceive eternity. It is [perfect] loved one. The Kingdom of Heaven is the perfect conscience, a permanent perfect mind. It is the mind of the Messiah in you (1 Corinthians 2:16), the Kingdom within you (Luke 17:21). It is a mind completely free from any and all sin, a mind made innocent forever with no capacity for “self” will. It is the resurrected mind. The Kingdom of Heaven is perfection!

“Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” (Matthew 3:2) “Behold, the Lamb of Yahweh who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29)

Looking at Yahshua, John announced, “Turn back to Yahweh; that is what the Kingdom of Heaven is. It’s the fullness of Yahweh manifesting in man!” His eyes transfixed on Yahshua; “That is what it looks like!”

From this day forward, every time you read in the Renewed Covenant, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like,” meditate on what has just been revealed to you.

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