Gathering and Suffering in My Name

by on February 08, 2020

Gathering in My Name

(#040 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
Many years ago, a group sat before Me convinced I was there;

Gathered in My Name.

Someone convinced them that My being “there” meant I’d answer;

Gathered in My Name.

She said, “He’s leaving me,” and then adds, “I’m fine with that;”

Gathered in My Name.

“I can’t stand my job; my boss is so pushy;”

Gathered in My Name.

“God, can you hear us; there are more than two of us here;”

Gathered in My Name.

“We know you have greater things for us; please help us understand;”

Gathered in My Name.

“We’ve been coming together for months Lord; yet, Your hand has not moved;”

Gathered in My Name.

“Your Word cannot lie Lord; so why are You silent?”

Gathered in My Name.

After forty years of wandering in the wilderness of church pews….
The group sits before Me, with My Son and Spirit as witnesses;

Gathering in My Name.

“Father we praise You; and we worship and adore You;”

Gathering in My Name.

“We know we must change Yahweh, our hearts set like flints;”

Gathering in My Name.

“Your magnificent glory is all we can think of;”

Gathering in My Name.

“How foolish of us to think that gathering was for us.”

Gathering in My Name.

“We thank you Abba for the privilege of suffering;”

Gathering in My Name.

“By Your grace may we never forget why You made us.”

Gathering in My Name.

“And we thank you Father that as we praise You, You bless us;”

Gathering in My Name.

“Now seal it in us that we never forget this;”

Gathering in My Name.

It takes a humbling of the soul through the process of affliction for transformation to become evident. The suffering that brings about change is ultimately recognized as necessary to the one who endures. In the end, there is a piercing conviction of what it means to be gathered in His Name, the Name of Yahweh. All other man-made titles will fall away. In this Name and by this Name all else is sifted like wheat; only chaff remains. There is only light or darkness, loved one. There is only truth or compromise.

“Princes of nations are gathered together, the people of the Mighty One of Abraham, for unto the Almighty belongs the shields of the earth! He is greatly exalted!” (Psalm 47:9)

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