Bible Sabbath Fellowship Friday November 17th, 2017 @ 10pm est

by on November 12, 2017

Host Paul Nison and 9 guests fellowship and discuss Torah Topics.
The Chat room is available to everyone on the side of the video

If you would like to be on the live video call email me on the contact page at

6 comments on “Bible Sabbath Fellowship Friday November 17th, 2017 @ 10pm est

  1. Paul Williams on said:

    I love Yeshua and believe that he is the only way to the father.
    Thank you for sharing the truth and me and my wife look forward to worshipping with you.

    Paul Williams

  2. Richard wilson Kerns Jr. on said:

    My name is Richard and this is all new to me I have been following (JESUS) for about 5 years now and just recently came to the truth that I have been getting taught the wrong way about the scriptures and now honor the SABBATH on Saturday and do things in the name of YAHSHUA and following the ways that His Father instructed us like He left us as a example to follow to pick up our cross daily, that our salvation depends on it until we are out of these shells we call bodies and our last breath in taken we are here to live for Him and have the Father reveal His glory through us our bodies are not our own anyways I am interested in joining the Shabbat on friday night I live in the West coast Oregon so it would only be 7:00 pm here we do the Shabbat at my friends home SATURDAY morning in reading the Torah, pray, and praise Him and fellowshipping with each other I just wanted to know how I can get on to your friday nights very much interested and some others on doing at my house on that night

    • tlmadmin on said:

      Shalom Richard, nice to meet you. Everyone can see the hangout on friday night via you tube or the link posting on this site. If you want to be on the video panel you have to mail me your phone # and I need to talk to you first. You can email me via the contact link on this page.

  3. Shirley Emberson on said:

    Hi I’m visiting the US but I’m from Fiji.
    My Maternal grandmother is native Fijian –
    Who originally is African Jew.
    My maternal grandad is a Jew from Israel.
    I live on a tiny island in the Pacific Ocean and
    We as a family are messianic believers.
    I am so fortunate to be here to listen to you live.
    Paul, you don’t know how much your teaching has
    Impacted my life-I send messages home to tell the people on my island about you.
    May Elohim bless your ministry

    • tlmadmin on said:

      Shalom Shirley, Nice to meet you. I would love to go to Fiji one day. Is there a church there that would be willing to have me come and speak? Where in the U.S. are you visiting?

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