A High Calling Indeed

by on December 07, 2020

A High Calling Indeed

(#339 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

It is so crucial that the mental picture to imagine is best described as “imminently catastrophic.” It is the idea that any burden you experience first affects you personally, your mind and your loss of peace and joy, rather than how it affects your obedience to Yahweh’s commands. Meditate for a moment on that concept. Now consider this; the very fact that you experience a burden is disobedience itself. And the impending disaster is that you do not see it. It is critical you receive this.

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30) He has taken your burdens; any you maintain on your own is disobedience. Whether you feel burdened for someone else or yourself, any yoke you attempt to carry is not of Him.

Now consider offenses. Do you experience offense due to your utmost desire to see Yahweh alone magnified, or is it personal? For instance: if your spouse is in an adulterous relationship, who are you burdened for? Is it a personal affront; is it about your spouse; or is it about the righteousness of Yahweh? To settle this matter is detrimental for you to begin developing a steadfast, immovable mind, an unoffendable mind! (Review “Unoffendable”: Suffer Well Devotion #295)

You would do well to consider, and you might just be astounded, how little concern you have that all sinful offences are first a rejection of Yahweh. Instead, if you receive the rejection or offense, it means that you fathom yourself “more worthy” than the offender. Yet, there is only One who is worthy to receive the offense for the Father. Worthy is the Lamb who was slain (Revelation 5:12)! Next time you are tempted to be offended, ask yourself, “Am I offended by this for You Father, or for me?” This is a critical determination to make with every offense. “Is it my personal and self perceived ‘right,’ or is Yahweh alone right?”

And so what happens when you begin this reprogramming process, the shifting of your conscious behaviors? When you consider that He alone has first rights to ALL offenses, and you submit to this hierarchy in stature, you will find that your reward is soothing, peaceful, connected, reverent, silent, and beautiful beyond anything you have ever experienced. No offense loved one. Become unoffendable.

Offenses will come (Matthew 18:7), but you do not have to receive them. I myself always strive to have a conscience without offense toward the Almighty and men. (Acts 24:16) A high calling indeed loved one, a high calling indeed.

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