The Fig Tree and Its Lesson

by on December 02, 2020

The Fig Tree and Its Lesson

(#334 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
Now in the morning, [illumination] as He [the way to the saved mind] was returning to the city [mental stronghold], and He was hungry [spiritual longing]. And He saw [mentally perceived] a fig [opportunity] tree [firmly established] by the road [mind path], and He came to it. But found nothing [no spiritual fruit] but leaves [a wall, blocked ambition] on it, and He said to it [the unfruitful endeavor] “May fruit [profitability towards goodness] never grow on you again,” and IMMEDIATELY the fig tree withered [revealed wickedness]. When the disciples [redeemed faculties in thought consciousness] saw [spiritually perceived], they marveled [experience a changed paradigm] and said, “How did the fig tree wither away so quickly?” (Matthew 21:18-20)

Man lives on every word revealed from the mouth of Yahweh (Matthew 4.4 from Deuteronomy 8:3). Heaven’s language is profound, yet meant for little children. The wise and learned so often misunderstand because of dulled spiritual senses (Matthew 11:25). “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.” (Luke 10:23-24) So, what is the lesson from the fig tree?

Starting our discussion with a critical question would be appropriate. Where in Scriptures do you ever see Yahshua the Messiah praying about what to do? Slow your mind and walk this out; and it will help you perceive this lesson. The “model prayer” itself (Matthew 6:9-13) teaches complete reliance on the Father’s will (v. 10), and cautions against “mindless repetition,” (v. 7) as the Father “knows what things you need before you ask Him.” (v. 8)

Yahshua only walked to the fig tree because He was led to the fig tree. The reality that there was no “fruit” was the superficial issue. Obedience to go and His reaction to what He found were the real issues. There would be no weeping prayers; no lengthy intersession or explanations, and no repetitive pleas to make something that He may have personally desired appear. It was His Father’s will that the tree had no fruit and He would not pray to change that. “I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those You have given Me, for they are Yours.” (John 17:9)

If we peer into the mind of the Messiah (1 Corinthians 2:16), what might He be thinking? “I expected there to be fruit on the tree, but I found none. However, the ‘none’ that I found was My fruit of obedience for going; that is what mattered to My Father. Also, the fact that as soon as I perceived there was no fruit like I had imagined there would be, it was IMMEDIATELY illuminated to Me that this was My Father’s will. And I did not succumb to My own will, nor did I desire its fruit any longer, because had it been My Father’s will for Me to eat its fruit, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN FRUIT ON THE TREE!” You see, this is so simple that a small child can understand; it is the wise and learned who have difficulty.

If you are stuck wondering what to do, then you suffer from double mindedness loved one (James 1:8); a divided house (mindset) that cannot stand (Mark 3:25)! Stop willing things to happen according to personal desire, while claiming, “I’m just waiting for the Lord, trusting Him for it.” You should know IMMEDIATELY in all things if only One will is being considered. And if He intends for you to hold out for something, then complete peace and an undetached tranquility is proof that it is of Him. If He says, “Wait!” then no more prayers are necessary on this matter, if you are willing to receive it.

The lesson of the fig tree: IMMEDIATELY go when you are told; leave when you are told; wait how long you are told; and in all matters, be content with what you find! Stop trying to impose your “self” desire upon Yahweh (serving yourself), while claiming to be His servant. “Your will be done!” It’s not just another pleasant Christian sound bite that you can wear on a rubber bracelet. It’s the mind of the Messiah and all the power and responsibility that comes with it.

We are going to the deepest places loved one. Prepare your mind and receive because this is what you will find when you arrive. Yahshua replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done.” (Matthew 21:21)

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