Love’s Attributes (6) Love does not behave rudely

by on June 06, 2020

Love’s Attributes (6)

(#160 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
“Love does not behave rudely!” (1 Corinthians 13:5)

Love does not behave rudely, and therefore, Yahweh is not rude!

Everything in Yahweh’s Kingdom repeats in patterns loved one, and therefore, in your life as well. Through these patterns we can deduce many things about what our minds are saying and what our thoughts really mean. If you tend to be thinking rude thoughts towards someone, you do not “love” them! If you claim otherwise, either you or Yahweh is a liar. And last we checked, “Yahweh is not a man, that He should lie.” (Numbers 23:19) If you are indeed having rude thoughts, what are they really saying?

Is this not the whole crux of the matter? What does your rudeness say to Yahweh? You would do well to decipher this and walk it out to its end. “If you think rude thoughts, who are you truly bothered with?” If you let the Spirit prevail in the declaration that “He must increase, but you must decrease” (John 3:30), you will always discover that all of your rude thoughts and “mind issues” are with Yahweh Himself. The carnal mind is always at enmity against Yahweh! (Romans 8:7) And do not be deceived loved one; rudeness is carnal! Yahweh is the Creator of every aspect of your conscious and subconscious mind. Please understand that acknowledging the truth of what He has told you about yourself is essential on your path to whole-mindedness! And whole-mindedness is your path to perfect love.

This sixth pillar of love needs much work; for as you claim to love, and yet have rude thoughts, you remain steeped in your carnal lies. And these lies are the worst kind because you are lying to yourself!

I give you a new commandment: that you should love one another. Just as I have loved you, so you too should love one another. By this shall all [men] know that you are My disciples, if you love one another [if you keep on showing love among yourselves]. (John 13:34-35)

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