Church and State

by on December 09, 2020

Church and State

(#341 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
And so we glimpse into the psyche of the evil genius, the unfettered ego, and we listen for the schemes it conjures:

“The only way to truly decimate a nation of chosen children is to separate the priests from governing and judging the nation. We must detach the congregation from those who will govern them, spiritually, morally and ethically. We must convince them that the government is not supposed to be run by the priests; priests have no place in government!”

And so this philosophy of separating church and state, one that you may have even come to support, and perhaps vehemently claimed as the entitlement of a “free people,” was always intended to mock Yahweh, and to subdue and enslave the minds of His children.

To the contrary, a Theocracy, a nation run by priests, is the commanded model for a government on earth. It most closely resembles the government of Heaven. The seat of righteous government would be a place where the priest could pass judgments, and then be confident that the outcome of each judgment would be dealt with swiftly by Yahweh Himself. We are reminded of the scriptures about righteous justice in “The Ways of The Righteous” (#338). For the administration of justice will return to the ways of the righteous and the upright in heart will follow it. (Psalm 94:15) But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. For “who has known the mind of Yahweh that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of the Messiah. (1 Corinthians 2:10-16) The time is near; the administration of justice will return to the ways of the righteous!

Man’s attempts to alter this Kingdom order will always fail for one perpetual reason; Yahweh does not change! (Malachi 3:6) Outside of a theocracy, a Constitutional Republic is the best attempt to mimic the Government of Heaven. If run well, it uses an unalterable document (a constitution) against which to base and weigh every decision of man. It is meant to guard the evil heart and desires of man from corrupting what has been previously established as unmovable. The inherent deficiency, however, is that the founding document is established by man in the first place. Secondly, many will inevitably ignore what it says, citing that it was written at another time for another people who had different values and needs. Because it is man-made, it can never match the fullness of what is the standard for a true governing body of Yahweh. His word is inerrant and timeless.

The uttermost failure enters when the idea of Democracy invades the Republic. It is often couched under the premise that in order to be “fair,” a free people need a voice. The concept that a “public servant” would be selected by a majority, and that this servant should then represent the desires of the majority, is the fulfilment of the ego’s master plan. Its aim is to hide that Yahweh is the majority of One!

Imagine living is Sodom or Gomorrah and being told, “Most of us agree with this debauchery, and so it is the law and you must to abide by it.” How about living in Babylon; “Everyone knows he is our leader, and whatever he says is the law. Doesn’t your scripture tell you to obey your governing authorities?” Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which the Almighty has established. The authorities that exist have been established by the Almighty. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what the Almighty has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. (Romans 13:1-2) Ouch! How can you defend against such an obvious mandate?

Is the word of the Most High demanding we submit to every authority as if appointed by Yahweh Himself? The children of Yahweh have been seduced into accepting the idea that they too are commanded to submit, even if represented by those who do not know Him, even to those who specifically implement laws that are blasphemous. If you have preached and practiced Romans 13:1-2 as such, the following words should pierce your soul this very moment. The key to understanding authority is found in Romans 13:4. “For the one in authority is the Almighty’s servant [minister] for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are the Almighty’s servants [ministers], agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.” If you study what is meant by “good” you will find it is defined as inherently or intrinsically good; what originates from the Most High and is empowered by Him in the authority’s life, through faith. If you do the same for “servant” you will learn it means minister and refers to Yahweh inspiring His servants to carry out His plan for His people.

You must follow authorities who rule for good by what originates from the Most High; and who are empowered by Him in their lives through faith; and who are inspiring the people to carry out Yahweh’s plan. Conversely, He has commanded; do not bow to other might (“gods”); put no other might (“gods”) before Him. Yet, how quickly you make masters of authorities who do not measure up to Yahweh’s standards. And how quickly does the congregation of chosen adhere to and promote such heresy. Yahweh’s people are called to be the head and not the tail; the top and not the bottom (Deuteronomy 28:13).

Yes indeed, the evil genius is very effective and so subtle. Your light was supposed be set on a hill as a witness of your Father’s glory to the world, yet it has been hidden under a basket (Matthew 5:14-16). It has been dimmed due to fear and ignorance. Wake up; the days are few and the time is near. Remember loved one; Yahshua did not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; He came to fulfill them (v. 17). The fact that the church would teach you otherwise is exactly why it has been fooled into promoting submission to unrighteous authority. But do not be mistaken; the administration of justice will return to the ways of the righteous, and it is coming soon!

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