Tag Archives: Christian to Torah
Christian Life to Torah Life
Eddie talks about how he discovered what grace really means and his introduction to the Torah Life.
Torah Helps Worship
We are a husband and wife Flag Ministry team called by the Lord to equip the Saints with Worship tools and weapons for warfare to break down strongholds, to fight the good fight, to win the battle, to Worship in Spirit and in Truth and give ALL the Glory to the Lord our God!
Pentecost to Messianic – Marvin Taylor
Marvin Taylor explains how he was moved to make the change from being a Pentecost to a Messianic believer in Yeshua Messiah.
The Homeless Christian
Dan has an amazing story of how he learned about Torah. This is such a wonderful story. Please forward this video to others.
How Can I Still Be A Christian After Learning Torah?
In this video I interview a man who learned about the true message of our Creator and struggled with remaining a Christian. So much that he decided to leave his church that he had been a member of for many years. The pastor didn’t like his reasons.
Christians Need to Know About The Hebrew Roots Of Messiah
Here is another brother, Donald Scroggins, who understands the Scriptures, the Sabbath and Christmas. Christians, listen up. Learn Torah, the message of Messiah. Hebrew Roots is something all believers should learn about.
Eating Clean Food For Believers
Today’s guest is Denis Ortero. Denis talks about how he found out his Hebraic history and also connects his diet, health and obedience to Torah.
Ex-Witch Is Now a Believer and Keeps Torah
Today I have Shalom Serene Shick as a guest. She is a former witch! For 20 years she practiced Wicca. Hear her amazing story of how she was saved and her message now! Check out her site at http://www.savedxwitch.com/