Tag Archives: bible
Choose Joy Over Anger Every Time!
Choose Joy Over Anger Every Time!
Is Anger An Emotion Or A Choice?
Here is a discussion we had about the topic of Anger and whether it is an emotion or a choice.
You Must Destroy The Root of Anger. It’s Spiritual Warfare!
We are under no obligation to accept or obey every thought that enters our minds. We need to capture those thoughts and have self-control of how we use them. The mature believer knows that every thought is not necessarily for our Godly edification.
Does God Want Women In Charge of Men? Pastor Couple EXPOSED For False Teaching (Response)
I give my response to this partial excerpt of TheFallenState TV, host Jesse Lee Peterson interviews Chief Apostle Maurice Boykins and Co-Pastor Prophetess Anita Boykins of Tabernacle of Faith Healing and Deliverance Ministry in Mission Hills, California.
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“The Fallen Stateā TV is a weekly TV talk show hosted by Jesse Lee Peterson. The program examines human nature and relationships in an honest and open manner and goes places that no other show dares to go in pursuit of Truth and enlightenment.
Visit the site: http://thefallenstate.tv
You Tube:
Here is the original link I was commenting on in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgHxMPDB33c
Here is the full original video to the interview
If Yeshua is the savior, why are so many requirements to be saved?
This video is my reply to this viewer’s question
Hi, can you please help with some answers? If Jesus is the savior- he atones for sin and he is the Life, then why are so many requirements to be saved? Like you have to forgive, love your brothers, be perfect, etc., etc. Doesn’t this mean that we are saving ourselves by fulfilling the requirements? And if we save ourselves by doing certain things, how is Jesus saving us? How does salvation work? Please if you can answer without quoting Paul, but either with your words or OT quotes! I have personal issues with Paul. If we are saved by the atonement, then we still need to do God’s will in order to be in his presence, but if we sin, are we still under the atonement? And what is the guarantee for salvation then? Who will be even saved? I don’t understand…
Torah Reading GENESIS 44:18-47:27
Torah Reading GENESIS 44:18-47:27
Yeshua Was Taken Hostage and Murdered
Yeshua the one they called Jesus was taken hostage and murdered. We must never forget. Yeshua is the Messiah, I only use the name Jesus for teaching purposes because many people have never heard the name Yeshua but need to. Let’s remember the point of the video.
Don’t Live Like The World But Doing Things In Jesus Name
Don’t Live Like The World But Doing Things In Jesus Name
Torah Reading GENESIS 28:10-32:3
GENESIS 28:10-32:3 |
Noah Was Righteous Torah Portion #2 (Genesis 6:3-11:32)
Noah Was Righteous Torah Portion #2 (Genesis 6:3-11:32)