Empire of Dirt

by on June 18, 2020

Empire of Dirt

(#172 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

“For what has a man profited if he gains the whole world, yet loses his own soul? For what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26)

It’s not the effects of worldly profitability that brings the potential curse, but rather, the mind that seeks out worldly wisdom in order to gain the effects. Worldly wisdom is, and will always be, that which is scoffed at by the true sons and daughters. Yahweh Himself laughs at the folly of such an endeavor (Psalm 37:13).

You have begun to register a prevailing pattern into your conscience, one that keeps you on the narrow path. Within comes first and then without! “Everything is a thought first, and then the physical manifestation comes!” Your mind-life produces your physical world. It is the power to create, and yet, you must look at what you have created. If you were to ask, “Does my physical life and all of its possessions fill my soul?” you should be able to answer, “Why yes, of course!” Yahshua Himself would have said such. He knew that His earthy afflictions, and how He would handle them, were a sign of His mental position.

And so Yahshua has asked you, “What have you given in exchange for your life? What have you possessed (mentally grasped and held) within, and what has it produced without?” Life itself is the entirety of your conscious activity, and it was intended to be abundant at all times (John 10:10). Your life was meant to be abundant in the way of peace, joy, love, faith, power, praise, and the ability to transfer these into the minds of others. “You are My witnesses,” say’s Yahweh (Isaiah 43:10)! You are intended to reproduce Yahweh, through His Son, by His Ruach, into the consciousness of those around you. You are so much more than a fish on your bumper and a “WWJD” on your wrist.

Life is in the mind loved one, and these writers would be hard pressed to believe that you could actually say that your physical world proves that you have become completely engrossed in the life Yahweh intended for you. Yes, this is a judgment call, and it is one you should have already willingly embraced as your own personal litmus test, measuring your chief priorities of life. Set aside your empire of dirt and learn of the Kingdom of Yahweh. It is THE Kingdom of transformed minds!

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