Tag Archives: Michael Rood
Does Yahweh Hate The Sinner?
Does Yahweh hate sinners? This is a lecture I recently gave in Phoenix Arizona.
Bible Sabbath Fellowship December 30th 10pm est.
Join host Paul Nison and 9 other guests as we fellowship and discuss bible topics.
What Does Covenant Mean mike clayton
Bible teaching Michael Clayton talks about what covenant in the Bible means.
The Food We Should Eat According To The BIble
The Bible tells us what diet is best for man. Why are so many believers sick? Because they are not following his plan. This video is a clip from my 1 hour DVD, “Health According to The Scriptures” you can order the DVD at this link:
Gentiles and The Law
Are there any Scriptures that say Gentiles do not need to keep the law? Do we even know what the law is? This video will reveal the answer to both questions and more.
Dean Wheelock answers the question. You can view his website at http://www.hebrewroots.net
Son of a Traditional Rabbi Accepts Yehsua (Jesus)
The son of a traditional Rabbi, Jeremiah Greenberg was educated at the Hebrew Academy of Washington (DC), and the Talmudical Academy of Baltimore. During his teen years he became restless, seeking meaning and purpose in life, and eventually, at age 18, he left Judaism behind for a season, and went “the way of the world.”
Looking for answers, he became an active spiritual seeker in his early twenties, and eventually purchased a mountain farm in the hills of West Virginia, where he built a log cabin and lived pioneer style – for many years without even running water and electricity. He called his home a spiritual community. Although raised with a deep prejudice against Jesus, he eventually began to accept Him as an “Avatar,” that is “god in his generation.”
Since then, Jeremiah has remained rooted in the Messianic community, while seeing Jews and non-Jews as equals in the body of Messiah. Receiving the vision for Messianic Liturgical Resources over twenty years ago, he has used his strong traditional Jewish background to produce spiritual, Hebraic liturgical materials. Having a vision for many areas of Messianic congregational and home life, Jeremiah is very involved in a variety of activities within the Believing Community.
Jeremiah’s website is:
New Covenant or Renewed Covenant?
Someone asked me this question…
Why do say renewed covenant, when God said it would be a new covenant?
This video is my answer.
Babylon Is Destroying Your Health (Michael Rood)
Bible Teacher Michael Rood explains what Babylon is and why we must avoid and/or escape Babylon if we want to be healthy.
Michael Rood Studio
If you don’t know Michael Rood, he is an excellent Bible teacher. His website is http://aroodawakening.tv Here In this video we took a tour of his studio right before one of the great events he offers.
Shavuot 2012 Michael Rood
This video was taking at Shavuot 2012 Michael Rood studios in Charlotte North Carolina.