See full written instructions below the video.
(Written by Harry Mihet at
******* Your personal statement SHOULD contain FIVE things:
- Your knowledge that all three COVID vaccines were either DEVELOPED or TESTED using fetal cells that originated in abortion, along with at least one source for that knowledge. DO NOT claim that the vaccines CONTAIN cells of aborted babies. (see PART 4)
- Your religious beliefs that you cannot take or benefit from any vaccine that has been DEVELOPED or TESTED with, or has ANY connection to, fetal cell lines obtained from abortion. (see PART 5)
- Your statement that your religious beliefs are SINCERE, and that they apply to all areas of your life and to ALL vaccines or medical products that have a connection to abortion, not just the COVID vaccines.
- Your request for an exemption from the vaccine, and your willingness to abide by REASONABLE alternative safety measures, such as social distancing, masking, testing, etc
- Any and ALL other information that the form of the employer or school requests.
NOTE: You do not need to follow the same order as above. In fact, the more your switch things up, the. More unique and personal YOUR statement will be. You might, for example, start with #2 or #3 or #4.
******* HERE ARE FOUR DO’S for your personal statement:
- DO make it unique and personal;
- DO follow your employer’s or school’s form and instructions, unless your employer or school tries to tell you not to include an objection based on fetal cell lines, in which case DO INCLUDE YOUR OBJECTIONS BASED ON FETAL CELL LINES anyways (such a limitation is illegal, because your employer or school cannot dictate what you believe);
- DO attach additional sheets of paper to your employer’s or school’s form, if the space they provide is not sufficient, and;
- If your employer’s or school’s form asks multiple questions about the nature of your religious beliefs and religious objections, DO write something like “see attached explanation” or “please see my separate statement” for each of the multiple prompts, and then DO make sure your statement covers ALL that they ask.
******* HERE ARE FOUR DONT’S for your personal statement:
- DON’T copy and paste (or make only slight changes to) any sample statement that you see here or anywhere else on the internet – if your request is not unique or personal to you, it will likely be denied;
- DON’T include in your RELIGIOUS exemption request any NON-religious arguments, such as “my body my choice” or “bad side effects” or “no FDA approval” or anything else that is NOT directly linked to your RELIGIOUS beliefs, or that is dependent on DEBATEABLE factual or philosophical claims. (I’m not dismissing those arguments; I’m just providing my opinion that they will weaken your RELIGIOUS exemption request because you will be deemed to be “misinformed” or you will be deemed to have “philosophical” but non-religious objection);
- DON’T miss your employer’s or school’s deadline for submitting religious exemption requests, and;
- DON’T leave any required information out.
******* Here are two sample personal statements to illustrate how the above information might look, and also to illustrate how two statements can cover the same SUBSTANCE but do so in unique ways. DO NOT COPY either statement. WRITE your own.
SAMPLE 1: (within LC Memo on Religious Exemptions):
I am a Christian with a very strong religious view that abortion is murder and a sin against almighty God. I believe firmly as a matter of non-negotiable Christian doctrine that I cannot have anything to do with the sin of abortion. I cannot benefit from it in any way. To do otherwise, is to commit a serious sin against God.
I know that each of the three COVID vaccines was tested, developed or produced from fetal cell lines that were obtained from elective abortions. (
For this reason, I cannot accept any of the COVID vaccines. Even though some may find the connection between these vaccines and abortions to be permissible, I do not. My conscience, informed by the Holy Spirit and my understanding of the Holy Scriptures, will not allow me to benefit from any product that has anything to do with abortion.
In addition to my religious convictions about abortion, as a committed Christian I also pray and ask God to guide my major and minor decisions. Jesus promised that he would send a comforter who would help believers. This comforter is known as the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides us by impressing upon our conscience what we should do and how we should act. After much prayer, study of the Bible and inner reflection, I am not permitted by the Holy Spirit to take the COVID vaccine.
My religious beliefs are sincere and deep. My objection applies to ALL products or vaccines connected to abortion, not just COVID vaccines. I would not take any product into my body – the temple of the Holy Spirit – if I knew that it was developed or tested using aborted fetal cells.
I firmly believe that to go against my understanding of the Bible and against the instruction in my conscience from the Holy Spirit would be a grave sin that would distance me from God, and would violate my conscience.
Please grant me an exemption. I am willing to comply with reasonable alternatives to vaccination that have been used until now.