Tag Archives: Teddy Wilson
Sabbath Bible Fellowship Friday June 9th at 10PM est
Join Paul Nison and 9 other guests as we discuss Bible topics
Christians Who Say Street Preaching Doesn’t Work
We were preaching in downtown West Palm Beach and some Christians came up to us and told us Street Preaching doesn’t work.
Paul Nison, Teddy Wilson, and Zach Bauer San Diego Street Preaching
Paul Nison, Teddy Wilson, and Zach Bauer San Diego Street Preaching
You have Never Seen Street Preaching Like This Before
You have Never Seen Street Preaching Like This Before
Sabbath Bible Fellowship April 22nd, 10 pm eastern time (Passover Episode)
Tonight some friends and I will be celebrating Passover. We will also include the world in on our fellowship.
Bible Shabbat Fellowship Friday April 8th, 10pm est. (SPECIAL EVENT)
This is a special event different than our normal Friday night hangout. Tonight there will be no guests joining us on the panel. Everyone is welcome to comment in the chat box on the side of the video.
Host Paul Nison will be streaming live from the United in Torah conference in San Diego California. The website for this event is http://unitedintorah.com/
Bible Sabbath Fellowship Friday April 1st, 10pm est.
Bible Sabbath Fellowship Friday April 1st, 10pm est.
Bible Fellowship Friday Night March 18th, 10pm est.
Join host Paul Nison and other guests as we discuss Bible related subjects.
Here is the Torah Portion Teaching or this coming Shabbat
Torah Portion #24 Vayikra (Leviticus 1:1-5:26)
Live Sabbath Bible Fellowship Friday, March 11, 10pm EST.
Join host Paul Nison and friends and we have fellowship and discuss Bible topics.
Here is the Torah Teaching For this Coming Sabbath
Exodus 38:21-40
Instructions From Our Creator
Do Christians seek the will of our Creator Yahweh? Or have they been deceived to live against His instructions and guidelines?
The consequences for obeying and disobeying the Torah can lead to life or death.
Our Messiah Yeshua confirmed the will of Yahweh in His actions and instructed us to do the same. Live righteously!