Tag Archives: Suffer well
The Truth About Your Walk with Yahweh
It is so
(#216 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
For in much wisdom is much grief, and he who increases knowledge increases suffering. (Ecclesiastes 1:18)
When a man begins to see things as they are, pain (thought turmoil) is increased. When the truth is illuminated, the number of lies one perceives is magnified as well, including blatant deception. Deception is food to the intellectually dishonest person, who would prefer to be told what truth is, rather than to gain spiritual discernment for himself. Sloth and laziness, first mental, and then physical, become apparent to those who gain understanding (“Binah” of the Tree of Life within you). The enlightened one begins to decree what the Father has already made known; “You are inexcusable, O man!” (Romans 2:1) Everything becomes clear, every excuse becomes easy to detect.
Once the deceptive ways (mind paths) of man (carnal thinking) become so easily detectable, love seems impossible. Seeing behind the veil actually makes it more difficult to increase love for mankind. It becomes obvious that the only way to have an authentic sentiment such as, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do,” is by supernatural intervention. It is only Him in you that makes you capable of love, and this comes only with daily supplication and practice. For he who practices righteousness is righteous.
Then self-loathing may come as you realize that you too are guilty of the same hypocrisy. You realize you are exactly what you despise in the blatantly sinful. The pain in your heart (mind) is compounded, as even the “perfect days” you have lose their glory because of one “bad day.” The battle inside, the one between flesh (carnal nature) and spirit (mind of the Messiah) consumes you. You detect the inconsistency, yet you have no ability to correct it on your own. This inner battle can lead to many sleepless nights as you recognize the disdain you have for the “you” in you. This is necessary as you must lose your life to find it (Matthew 10:39). But, “There is a life to live, mouths to feed, and debts to pay.” Which life is real; which life do you lose? The answer is simple, yet not easy; “Seek first…!” (Matthew 6:33)
And so we see why wisdom increases grief and sorrow, and by seeing only the surface of it all, we acknowledge there is so much more to learn. When you come to this beautiful place, “Be still and know that He is Yahweh.” (Psalm 46:10) And then, be wise enough to do this for just a moment; thank Him for the chance to figure it all out.
Acknowledging Yahweh
(#114 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
My pain is my dross,
Intimately removing, that there is no more.
My anger is my dross,
What once festered, now a healed sore.
My pride is my dross,
All these days, keeping me from Your face.
My fear is my dross,
You added heat, and love replaced.
My insecurity is my dross,
Your tender touch, Your consuming fire.
My resentment is my dross,
You sifted me and removed the mire.
Never have these been present in Your presence: pain, anger, pride, fear, insecurity, resentment and so much more. They will not exist in Your coming Kingdom, a Kingdom of perfection; a Kingdom ushered in by Your transformed people—forever priests (Hebrews 7:17).
A remnant of the remnant,
The few.
Those who choose the narrow path,
On the narrow path.
Seekers of the dross within,
Judges of self,
Fierce desire to root out
All that does not resemble You;
Messiah in me.
Who will come? Who will allow the rooting out to begin? Who will permit the light to come in? The days are short, the laborers few (Luke 10:2). The bounty offered up, more than you can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). There is a way. Give in. Hand over your will and conform to His. Stop the fight; stop striking the wind. Release the battle to Him. You praise; He fights. You give thanks; He protects borders. You serve; He gives charge to Malakim (Yahweh’s thoughts planted into the conscience).
Give in! Release all. Hand it over. He is waiting. The days are short.
Order of Yahweh
(#062 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
Father (Yahweh, the great I AM); Mother (Ama, Spirit, Help Meet); Son (Yahshua, “Yahweh saves”); and Daughter (the Bride, the called out chosen), yes, this is the family order. Certainly, it is My most precious concept. May I share My plan for the family with you? I wish to reveal My purpose for such a concept.
Yes, I am He who reveals things in many deep layers. Has not My Son said, “On earth as it is in heaven?” (Matthew 9:9-15) The earthly family should be a mirror image of My Kingdom family. It must have proper order instituted. Authority should be understood in its right context. Your family (as the Spiritual family does) should display perfect unity of thought and action. Joy, as well as all facets of love, should be demonstrated in service to one another and on display in every decision and action. (1 Corinthians 13)
Add this understanding of family to all other things which are expected of you in the earthly realm: pro-creation (a fruitful multiplying); exhorting and building up future generations (who will bring Me glory); enduring together in times of testing; and standing against foreign principalities in unity (which will prove My power). And what of My body, My called out chosen, preparing herself as a bride adorned for her husband (Revelation 21:2)? She must be: unified; holy; and respectful of each member. Your role is to find your purpose as part of the body, your created purpose, as you actively plan for the wedding supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:6-9).
I have commanded that your family be modeled after the heavenly pattern, so do not be dismayed by the attacks against the family and marriage. It only reveals the value I place on them. It is an indicator of how much I protect such things; and yes, that means I Am on your side in reference to family matters.
Hasatan (Satan, ego) knows we will be united, yet, he still believes he can change My plan. He has waged an all-out war against you. But, I laugh at his folly (Psalm 37:12-13). Be on guard! Do not fall for the tricks and traps he lays for you! I will give you wisdom about his ways if you so desire to seek. I Am a protector; you have the same obligation. Have I not said, “The two will become one flesh; and let no man separate?” (Ephesians 5:31 from Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:6) Yes, I Am very pro-family. I understand what it takes. Be diligent. Be wise. Love your family, and resist the temptations of the evil one.
A Hebrew View of Prayer
If you want to find if you must be willing to lose it. That is what our prayers should be about.
A Hebrew View of Prayer
(#060 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
The Torah of Moses, the first five books of Scripture, contains the totality of Yahweh’s commandments. In it, the concept that we have come to know as prayer is identified: “tefillah.” The root of the word tefillah means: to judge, differentiate, clarify, or decide. The intention is to bring forth a desire to hold oneself accountable, to make an honest self-assessment. The belief system in the Messiah to come warranted the desire to “judge oneself” according to the precepts of Yahweh. It was a requirement for young men coming of age to be accountable to the Torah and thereby to the Creator, hence the Bar mitzvah. Bar mitzvah conveys the idea of becoming a “son of the covenant,” or quite literally, “a son of good works.”
The modern-day believer needs to take note of this perspective, for we live in the era of the Messiah who has already come. Because of His death and resurrection, more wisdom, more insights, more revelation, and more promises have been revealed to us. As a result, we are to bring every thought captive unto the obedience of Messiah (2 Corinthians 10:5). The only way that can happen is through the shedding of the self (Hebrews 12:4). Prayer was given to help you achieve the Luke 22:42 lifestyle; “Not My will but Your will be done.” When you live that way, all of His promises are “yes” and “so be it!” (2 Corinthians 1:20).
Many believers today spend too much time praying for things that have already been given, rather than considering prayer as a tool to judge oneself from the Creator’s perspective. Consider the Hebrew view of prayer and pray about what Yahweh would have for your prayer life. Above all, set aside requests made in fear, as well as those that display that your struggle against sin remains only because you refuse to surrender your “self.”
In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.(Hebrews 12:4)
No Prayers for Me
No Prayers for Me
(#055 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
When My children, did you see,
My lifting up of prayers for Me?
Was “ask and receive” for Me too,
Or was this pattern just for you?
Envision Gethsemane; what was My fear?
For joy set before Me, My resurrection so near!
Perhaps it was when I hung on the stake,
Did I foresee Myself crying “forsake”?
Again I ask, “Did I pray for Me?”
Tell Me My child, what do you see?
Hearken to this reality. Are you searching for hidden truths, the mysteries of the Kingdom, while neglecting the obvious spiritual realities right in front of you? When you read the “model prayer” (Matthew 6:9-13), are you instructed to pray for yourself? You may contend that “give us this day our daily bread” (v. 11) seems like a personal request. But, in context you are instructed to not worry about such things if you seek first the Kingdom (Matthew 6:25-34). And “forgive us our debts” (v. 12); that’s all about forgiving others, as the Messiah’s forgiveness manifests in you.
Do you really believe that because of His Son’s sacrifice the promises of Yahweh are already “yes” and “so be it” (2 Corinthians 1:20)? If so, then why do you insist on asking again for what you already possess because of the faith you were given (Luke 17:6)? Imagine holding a scepter of righteousness. Can you see it in your hand? Now imagine, as you gaze upon it, crying out “Abba, please give me a scepter of righteousness.”
Repent of your unbelief! Repent for not believing that Yahshua’s death answered all of your prayers long before you ever prayed them (Psalm 21:2).
If so, then what is prayer for? Prayer is the communication and communion that builds and strengthens our relationship with the Father, Son and Spirit. But, the emphasis here is to help you recognize that too often your prayers are focused on personal desires in the physical realm, even though Yahshua said, “My Kingdom is not of this world.” (John 18:36)
This leaves us with something important to consider about the purpose of prayer. If His Kingdom is not of this world, we ought to remodel our prayers to reflect our true identity as sons or daughters of Light, rather than children of “self.” What would that look like? Understanding your true identity would be better expressed with prayers that contain much more thanks and praise and a lot less “give me!” How’s something like this? “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your Kingdom come. Your will be done. On earth as it is in heaven.” Yes, it’s the obvious hiding in plain sight!
Suffer with Joy for YESHUA!
The Father’s Best
(#049 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
Read chart first!
And prayerfully, this is ultimately you! “And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of the Almighty and have the testimony of Yahshua the Messiah.” (Revelation 12:17)
And, so it is with those called to acknowledge that suffering is the key element in their quest for perfection (Hebrews 2:10; 5:8). From the scriptural pattern of being persecuted (sentenced) for righteousness sake (Matthew 5:10), you can easily presume that a lack of suffering is attributed to a lack of spiritual growth, maybe even the failure to risk stepping into the greatness of your heavenly calling. Why would you avoid the risk? “Self” preservation is the reason; and quite frankly, it is a sin.
And imprisonment does not only exist as physical incarceration loved one; it starts in the mind. So ask your-self, “Am I in prison? And is it making me more Holy?” If not, then perhaps a shift in perspective is warranted. If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:36) But, how can you be set free lest you had first known the utter depths of your bondage? It is from that valley we rise!
Who is your king?
Give to Caesar
(#045 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
(4) “Then all the elders gathered and approached Samuel, saying, ‘Appoint us a king to judge us; just like other nations.’ But these things displeased Samuel… Samuel prayed to Yahweh… Yahweh said, ‘…they have not rejected you [Samuel], they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them… to this very day… forsaking Me in order to serve gods [men]… listen to them and let them know how a king will reign over them and will behave toward them.’
(10) …Samuel said, ‘This is how the king you desire to reign over you will behave… he will take your sons and appoint some to serve his chariots… some will drive his horses… others will run before his chariots… you will plow his ground… bring in his harvest… manufacture his weapons of war… he will take your daughters… seize your best fields… demand a tenth of your sheep… you, yourselves, will become his servants. You will cry out, but Yahweh will NOT listen to you.’
(19) The people REFUSED to listen to Samuel. ‘No, we want a king over us. Then we will be like other nations with a king who will fight our battles.’ …So Yahweh instructed Samuel… “Appoint them a king…’” (Highlights from 1 Samuel 8:4-22)
Ask and You Shall Receive
Come one, come all; step right up,
And give your tribute gladly.
There are walls to build and roads to pave,
You want a king so badly.
Your priests and leaders all agree,
Over time their plans revealed.
“Better to pay… than to fight me,
Your best will plow my fields.”
For if the masses all agree,
Do not fret or be dismayed,
Our faces alone, your currency,
Your part, it must be played.
The entitlements offered will tempt to sway,
The most oppressed of you at heart.
“All must protect the kingdom’s way,
Each must do their part!”
Pay no attention to those foolish ones,
“Come out of her…,” they cry.
“We’ve read THE book; we understand.
But, give fear of man a try!”
Come one, come all; step right up,
And give your tribute gladly.
There are walls to build and roads to pave,
You’ve got your king so sadly.
“Whose image is this? And whose inscription?” “Caesar’s,” they replied. Then He said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to the Almighty what is the Almighty’s.” (Matthew 22:20-21)
That The World May Know with Ray Vander Laan
Give Us A King
You may have learned somewhere that God did not want Israel to have a king. Most Christian churches teach this to youngsters early in Sunday school. But it is wrong. God did want Israel to have a king; he just had a certain kind of king in mind. In Deuteronomy 17:14-20, long before the time of Saul, God said, “Be sure to appoint over you the king the LORD your God chooses” (emphasis added). God’s choice for king: that is what Israel ignored.
God’s Qualifications For Israel’s King
In Deuteronomy 17:14-20, God gave the qualifications for a king. First, the king was to be an Israelite (17:15). This meant the king would belong to the people who recognized the authority of God.
Second, the king must not acquire many horses (17:16a). The Bible explains that horses came from Egypt, and horse-trading would tempt the Israelites to interact with the pagan people from whom they had been delivered.
Third, the king must not take many wives (17:17a). It was normal in ancient times to seal treaties between kings by intermarriage. Foreign women would influence the Israelites to abandon the unique lifestyle to which God had called them. Later in Israel’s history, Ahab (who married Jezebel) and Jehoram (who married Athaliah) learned the hard consequences of ignoring this proscription.
Fourth, the king must not accumulate large amounts of gold and silver (17:17b). Perhaps God wanted to make sure Israel’s king remained dependent upon him for success; or perhaps he wanted to keep his people from interacting with the pagan nations that would be supplying the gold and silver.
Fifth, the king must keep a copy of God’s Torah with him to be read throughout his life, so he would rule according to God’s principles (17:18-20).
This was God’s king: faithful, separate from the pagans, guiding God’s people to righteous living as a shepherd leads his sheep.
A King Such As Other Nations Have
Facing a Philistine threat at the time of Samuel the prophet, Israel requested a king. Samuel was angry because he knew they were rejecting God’s rule. The key to God’s displeasure was the request itself, to “appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have” (1 Sam. 8, emphasis added). The Israelites did not ask for a king that God would choose, but one that the world would choose.
Jewish scholars maintain that the story of David and Saul makes this contrast clear. When the people asked for a ruler such as other nations had, God gave them Saul, “a man who couldn’t keep track of donkeys in his care,” to show them what their kind of king would be: a self-absorbed failure. Throughout his life, Saul did things to satisfy his own desires and not God’s.
By contrast, David, a shepherd like God, was God’s choice for king, a man after his own heart. David lived by the words of the Torah, keeping the Lord always before him. When he sinned with Bathsheba, he was beside himself with sorrow, because he knew he had turned from God.
Who Do You Want As Your King?
Today, we face the same decision the Israelites did. Who (or what) do we want as our king (master)? The fascinating stories of 1 Samuel provide us with some insight and perspective.
Solomon was the wisest king of all. Yet the Bible judges Solomon by God’s standards: “Solomon had four thousand stalls for horses and chariots, and twelve thousand horses” (compare 2 Chron. 9:25 with Deut. 17:16a). “The king [Solomon] made silver as common in Jerusalem as stones” (compare 2 Chron. 9:27 with Deut. 17:17b). “The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents” (compare 2 Chron. 9:13 with Deut.17:17b). “He [Solomon] had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines [mistresses]” (compare 1 Kings 11:3 with Deut. 17:17a).
What a shock! The wisest human ruler who ever lived broke almost every command God gave for a king.
We are left wanting something better. Matthew, the Jewish writer, voiced our need: “If this is the best the human race can provide, there must be someone else.” Then he remembered the words of Jesus: “… one greater than Solomon is here” (Matt. 12:42).
That is God’s final choice for the ideal king: Jesus the Messiah. He must be our choice as well.
The Goal of The Torah
Believe Like You?
(#043 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers; because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. (James 3:1)
[The Pastor grabs the pulpit, fire in his eyes, ready to deliver the WORD]
“…that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9) And so the word of God teaches that the only thing one needs to do in order to be saved…”
[His face reddens with heightened emotions]
“…is to confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead…”
[His fists bang the pulpit]
[His hand removes the sweat from his forehead with a cloth; he looks to the congregation.]
“I’m preaching better than you’re clapping people! Can I get an amen?”
[The congregation laughs and then erupts; amen and halleluiah reverberates throughout the building.]
After the service, Deacon Jones abruptly waves down Pastor Bill. “Yes Deacon Jones, what can I do for you?”
“Well, we might have a problem brewing in the church and I wanted to inform you of it,” says Deacon Jones.
“What is it son?” asked the Pastor.
“Well, several people have informed me that brother Richard is telling people that the bible teaches that Jesus did not come to change the law or the prophets and that, for instance, Christians are still commanded to abstain from eating pork. It’s causing some dissention.”
[The Pastor, unhappy about what he has heard, informs Deacon Jones he will handle it, and as he walks away, still within earshot of Deacon Jones, he mumbles to himself…]
“What must I do to save these legalists in my church?”
Deacon Jones thinks to himself, “I wonder if he really believes these things he preaches.”
Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they strongly affirm. (1 Timothy 1:5-7)
Traditions of Men
If I could pick one Bible message out of everyone I ever did I think it would be this one. It is about how the traditions of man cause the death angel of Yahweh not to passover us and what we need to do about it.
(#041 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
Why do you break the commandment of the Almighty for the sake of your tradition? (Matthew 15:3) For the sake of your tradition you have made void the law of the Almighty. You hypocrites! (vv. 6, 7a)
“Never again do you have our permission to walk off like that Yahshua.” Mary was visibly shaken as she squeezed His arm.
“I told you I was in My Father’s house, why is it that you don’t understand?” Yahshua said.
“What did those teachers say to you? They never speak to your father, or any common man.”
Yahshua, knowing these things very well answered gently; “Mother, it is I who spoke. Did I not tell you I am always about My Father’s business?” (Luke 2:49)
Joseph kept silent. Mary, at this point practically dragging Yahshua with her: “Well, what did You say to them Son?”
“I was reciting the words of My Father from the Prophet Jeremiah.”
“This is what Yahweh says, ‘Do not learn the way of the heathen, and do not be deceived by the signs of heaven, though the heathens are deceived by them. For the customs of the people are vain; for one cuts a tree from the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the ax. They decorate it with silver and gold and fasten it with nails and hammers, so that it will not move. They are upright like a palm tree, but they cannot speak, they must be carried, because they cannot go. Do not give them reverence! They cannot do evil, nor can they do righteousness.’” (Jeremiah 10:2-5)
“And then I reminded them of Jeremiah’s powerful affirmation.”
“Inasmuch as there is none like You, O Yahweh (You are great, and Your Name is great in might), who would not fear You, O King of the nations? For this is Your rightful due. For among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their kingdoms, there is none like You. But they are altogether senseless; as one, they are consumed by their foolishness; their stock is a doctrine of vanities.” (Jeremiah 10:6-8)
Yahshua smiled.
Mary, finally relaxing her grip on His arm said, “Oh yes my child; we must stay far away from the traditions of men when they transgress Your Father’s commands, at all cost. We will always be set-apart in that way. The teachers you sat with have many of their own traditions which violate the Law, but you clearly know that already. It seems that at least part of Your Father’s business would be to expose them.”
Yahshua again smiled. “Yes mother, I know. One tradition at a time mother, one tradition at a time.”
Gathering and Suffering in My Name
Gathering in My Name
(#040 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
Many years ago, a group sat before Me convinced I was there;
Gathered in My Name.
Someone convinced them that My being “there” meant I’d answer;
Gathered in My Name.
She said, “He’s leaving me,” and then adds, “I’m fine with that;”
Gathered in My Name.
“I can’t stand my job; my boss is so pushy;”
Gathered in My Name.
“God, can you hear us; there are more than two of us here;”
Gathered in My Name.
“We know you have greater things for us; please help us understand;”
Gathered in My Name.
“We’ve been coming together for months Lord; yet, Your hand has not moved;”
Gathered in My Name.
“Your Word cannot lie Lord; so why are You silent?”
Gathered in My Name.
After forty years of wandering in the wilderness of church pews….
The group sits before Me, with My Son and Spirit as witnesses;
Gathering in My Name.
“Father we praise You; and we worship and adore You;”
Gathering in My Name.
“We know we must change Yahweh, our hearts set like flints;”
Gathering in My Name.
“Your magnificent glory is all we can think of;”
Gathering in My Name.
“How foolish of us to think that gathering was for us.”
Gathering in My Name.
“We thank you Abba for the privilege of suffering;”
Gathering in My Name.
“By Your grace may we never forget why You made us.”
Gathering in My Name.
“And we thank you Father that as we praise You, You bless us;”
Gathering in My Name.
“Now seal it in us that we never forget this;”
Gathering in My Name.
It takes a humbling of the soul through the process of affliction for transformation to become evident. The suffering that brings about change is ultimately recognized as necessary to the one who endures. In the end, there is a piercing conviction of what it means to be gathered in His Name, the Name of Yahweh. All other man-made titles will fall away. In this Name and by this Name all else is sifted like wheat; only chaff remains. There is only light or darkness, loved one. There is only truth or compromise.
“Princes of nations are gathered together, the people of the Mighty One of Abraham, for unto the Almighty belongs the shields of the earth! He is greatly exalted!” (Psalm 47:9)