Tag Archives: relationships
Does God Want Women In Charge of Men? Pastor Couple EXPOSED For False Teaching (Response)
I give my response to this partial excerpt of TheFallenState TV, host Jesse Lee Peterson interviews Chief Apostle Maurice Boykins and Co-Pastor Prophetess Anita Boykins of Tabernacle of Faith Healing and Deliverance Ministry in Mission Hills, California.
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“The Fallen State” TV is a weekly TV talk show hosted by Jesse Lee Peterson. The program examines human nature and relationships in an honest and open manner and goes places that no other show dares to go in pursuit of Truth and enlightenment.
Visit the site: http://thefallenstate.tv
You Tube:
Here is the original link I was commenting on in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgHxMPDB33c
Here is the full original video to the interview
Why is there so much divorce today?
Why is there so much divorce today?
The Real Reason Women Should Dress This Way
The 10th commandment says not to covet.
How to Deal With Unequally Yoked Relationships
How to Deal With Unequally Yoked Relationships
Worship of The Feminine Is Today’s Graven Image
Worship of The Feminine Is Today’s Graven Image
Stop making food an idol
Stop making food an idol
Men, would you pursue a woman who practiced extreme modesty
Thank you so much for your response and consideration on this topic of discussion. I’m excited to hear feedback from both both single men seeking wives or currently married men on this topic. Did married men pursue their wife before or after she practiced modesty? While a lot of men in my singles group profess the importance of having a changed heart and women dressed modestly as not being a deterrent, they will then add it’s not a commandment to dress that way, it’s just tradition. Without saying it, they’re demonstrating their preference isn’t modesty. This isn’t surprising; and there isn’t anything wrong with it either. Some men clearly prefer to see hair and more skin. But I can’t help but wonder if “looking Muslim” isn’t the only factor keeping women from covering.