Tag Archives: passover
The Wicked Will Get What They Deserve
There are results to living against the instructions of our Creator. The Bible also says those who are righteous will be blessed. The media will promote what seems right to them but we need to promote what is right to Yahweh.
Sabbath Fellowship with Paul Nison Friday Jan 28th 10pm est.
Join Paul Nison and 9 other friends discuss Bible related topics
The Torah Portion for this Shabbat is
Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:26)
Live Sabbath Fellowship with Paul Nison Oct 23rd at 10pm est.
Join Paul Nison and 9 other guest and we discuss Bible topics
This weeks Torah Portion is
Torah Portion #3 Lekh L’kha (Genesis 12:1-17:27)
Here is this weeks Torah Portion by Paul Nison
Here is this weeks Torah Portion by Teddy Wilson
Live Sabbath Fellowship with Paul Nison September 4th 10pm eastern time
Join Paul Nison and 9 friends to discuss Bible Topics
This weeks Torah Portion is
Torah Portion #50 Ki Tavo (Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8)
Here is the Torah Teaching for this week by Paul Nison
Here is the Torah Teaching for this week by Teddy Wilson
Live Sabbath Hangout with Paul Nison Aug 28th 10PM .est
Live Sabbath Hangout with Paul Nison Aug 28th 10PM EST.
Open-Air Preaching – Lake Worth Beach, Florida
Open-Air Preaching- Lake Worth, Beach, Florida
How To Keep Passover If You Are A Believer In Yeshua
Chaim Goldman and His wife Kim are Jewish Believers in Yeshua. They will be hosting a live google hangout Tuesday March 24th, about how believers should keep Passover.
The True Books Of The Bible
People claim there are many books of the original Bible that are actually not part of today’s Bible. Some of the books are lost and only mentioned by name in scripture. However there are a good amount of books still available that were part of the original Bible but not in today’s current Bible. In this video I talk about this topic.
Our Passover In West Palm Beach, Fl
This is how we do Passover in West Palm Beach, FL
Prophetic 911 Desperation Call
This videos about the emergency call 911 and what the Prophet Jeremiah says in Jeremiah 9:11.
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