Tag Archives: Obedience
Does Yahweh Hate The Sinner?
Does Yahweh hate sinners? This is a lecture I recently gave in Phoenix Arizona.
How To Be Righteous
The Bible explains to us the instructions and difference between being righteous and wicked. Most Christians do not know the difference. In this video I give people the info right from the Scriptures on these topics.
Bible Sabbath Fellowship December 30th 10pm est.
Join host Paul Nison and 9 other guests as we fellowship and discuss bible topics.
Are You Set-apart?
Exodus 23:2 says You must not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you are called to testify in a dispute, do not be swayed by the crowd to twist justice. Do you let others sway you way from following the Bible way of living? You may think not but listen to this audio and decided if you are truly following the instructions of Our Creator.
What does God Say About Liars?
The bible has a strong message about lying. In this video I discuss what God say will happen to liars. I also show why most Christians are liars about their walk with God.
Bible Sabbath Fellowship Friday November 18th, at 10:00pm est.
Host Paul Nison and 9 other friends fellowship and discuss bible topics. Everyone is welcome to join in the chat room next to the video.
Was The Law Really Nailed To The Cross?
In this video I discuss the book of Colossians and explain what the verse Colossians 2:14 “and, by his mandates, he canceled the legal contract of our sins, which existed against us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His torture stake.” Finally the true answer to help you understand what this book says about “The Law”.
What To Tell Your Christian Pastor
Here is another program I record to my local Christian radio station.
A Pastor called me asking me how he can overcome a disease he was suffering from. Disease is more than a physical issue, it is often a spiritual issue. The enemy has done a great job deceiving Christians to think accepting Yeshua, Jesus is the end of the path. The truth is, that is just the beginning.
Freedom In The One They Call Jesus
Freedom in Yeshua The One They Call Jesus
Leaving Evil Catholicism For The Bible Truth
Brother John Lea shares why he left being Catholic and learned to embrace his Hebrew Roots.