Tag Archives: Obedience
Is Nazarene Israel For You?
Our guest Norman WIllis talks about important subjects believers need to hear more about. In this video we talk about modesty, niddah, obedience and much more. Norman’s website is http://www.nazareneisrael.org/
tizit-tizit for woman? What do you think?
Within the messianic community there are some controversial topics but one of the most common questions I come across, is it okay for woman to were tizit-tizit? Today on the show is a woman who actually has a company that sell tizit-tizit and she encourages woman to wear them? What do you think? Post your comment below.
For My People Have Committed Two Evils!
The passion of such people like Jeremiah really teach me the heart of a true believer in Yahweh. One verse, Jeremiah 2:13 talks about two common evils the people often commit still to this day. In this video I talk about this scripture and what we can do about it.
Eating Clean Food For Believers
Today’s guest is Denis Ortero. Denis talks about how he found out his Hebraic history and also connects his diet, health and obedience to Torah.
Is The Old Covenant Done Away With & Working on The Sabbath
Someone emailed me saying their friend suggested the Torah and the old covenant was done away with quoiting Hebrews 8:13. Also another question about working on the Sabbath, how do we explain to employers we can’t work this day and other feast days.
The Curse Of The Law Revealed
Someone wrote me an email saying we are no longer under the curse of the law, claiming the old covenant has been replaced by the new covenant. This is incorrect and in today’s video I tell the truth to this confused and misled person who wrote the email.
How Do I Know I’m Pleasing Yahweh (God)?
A viewer is going through hard times and seems her obedience of going unnoticed. She questions if she is making the right choices and asks, how do we know we are pleasing Yahweh?
Come Out of Babylon You People!
Our guests is a family who have all come out of Babylon together and now enjoy their freedom of living in Torah.
How to Get Spiritual Vision
Today on the show we have a young couple share their story of how their eyes were open to reveal the Bible to them in a whole new light. The information they share can help you understand how to read the Bible and gain spiritual wisdom and spiritual eyesight.
Law vs Grace and Roots of Yeshua, The Living Torah
Beware! Awaken! Keep your eyes open for false teachers teaching misleading messages about Yeshua. Today I talk about the real roots of Yeshua and speak about; Jude 1:4 I say this because some ungodly people have wormed their way into your churches, saying that Yahweh’s marvelous grace allows us to live immoral lives.