Tag Archives: Noah's Ark
Shabbat With Paul Nison, January 23rd, 2015
Author Paul Nison will be hosting Friday Night Live Shabbat. Ten guests will join.
Creation Question and Interview
Sometimes when I am about to do an interview with a guest I am not sure exactly where the interview is going to lead. In this interview with David Rives I was going to talk about his cool new website community but as the interview expanded I realized this is one of the best discussions I ever had with a guest.
His website is www.davidrives.com and his new website is www.thecreationclub.com
New Covenant or Renewed Covenant?
Someone asked me this question…
Why do say renewed covenant, when God said it would be a new covenant?
This video is my answer.
Noah’s Ark Found!
On today’s show we have Author Richard Rives who has personally seen Noah’s Ark. Richard proves in his writings that Christianity is nothing more than redefined pagan mythology. An excellent interview.