Tag Archives: New Age
Halloween Moonfest Street Preaching 2017
Here were are Street preaching at Moonfest in West Palm Beach Florida. It was raining a lot but if people were out there we were going out there.
God Hates The Sin and The Sinner!
Our Creator Hates The Sin and The Sinner
If I stand on a corner with a sign saying something like, “God Hates Sin!” I don’t think too many people would get upset.
Non-believers of the Bible don’t understand what “sin” is and believe it is a Christian thing for Christian people.
You may be surprised, but most Christians don’t even understand what sin is and those who do are not affected personally by this sign because it is not about a person, but an action.
They may even agree with the sign because they believe in the unbiblical saying “God hates the sin, not the sinner.”
Did you know that saying is nowhere in the Bible and Mahatma Gandhi actually made that saying famous in a 1929 autobiography.
According to the Bible, the definition of sin is actually transgression of God’s commandments (1 John 3:4) and Our Creator hates the sinner along with the sin. (Psalm 5:5, Psalm 11:5)
Now, if I stood on a corner with a sign that said something like, “God Hates Sinners!” it would surely get more of a reaction from people because now you are not only talking about an action, but a person.
Still, there are those who are clueless to what sin is and they would not give the sign much thought.
If I actually named the sin, all people, including Christians, would show a really negative response, especially if it is a sin they are guilty of.
For example, a sign saying, “God hates people who murder babies!” or “God hates Homosexuals!” would surely get more attention than “God Hates Sin!”
People need to be educated and we must stop sugar coating the truth! Learn what sin is and understand, God hates sinners and sinners are not getting into the kingdom.
Repent and sin no more!
Translation, turn from your ways and follow Yahweh’s instructions. (The Torah)
Prophetic 911 Desperation Call
This videos about the emergency call 911 and what the Prophet Jeremiah says in Jeremiah 9:11.
For more Bible videos visit
From Cancer to Hebrew Roots
Alexi Bracey was a new ager who developed cancer. During her healing transition she discovered the Hebrew Roots of Yeshua. Now she is a raw food chef, healed of cancer and a messianic believer. Hear her great story from cancer to Hebrew Roots.
New Covenant or Renewed Covenant?
Someone asked me this question…
Why do say renewed covenant, when God said it would be a new covenant?
This video is my answer.
The Pagan History of Easter
Most people celebrate Easter but do not understand the history of this holiday. I made this video to give people some knowledge about the roots of Easter.
I Was Addicted to New Age Mediums
Health teacher, Lisa Buldo, has an amazing story about how a healthy lifestyle helped her overcome a history of various physical and emotional issues. On her website she shares much of her health wisdom.
People have no idea of the amazing spiritual transformation that took place in Lisa’s life. Like many people today, Lisa was addicted to New Age Mediums. She eventually found Yeshua (Jesus) and has been healed of this addiction.
Please see Lisa’s website to learn more about her and her amazing story:
Reincarnation vs. Resurrection
Former Yoga teacher Mike Shreve talks about why as a Christian he no longer believes in reincarnation. Mike’s website is http://www.thetruelight.net
The Secret Is Not Based On Biblical Principles
The SECRET is not of God or is a proper approach to success in life. It leaves GOD out of the equation and deifies human beings. It is based on the new age thinking of the law of attraction.
A Christian Alternative to Yoga
In this video I interview Laurette Willis from http://praisemoves.com about a Christian Alternative to Yoga.