Tag Archives: kingdom
Bible Sabbath Fellowship Feb 3rd, 2017 @ 10pm est.
Host Paul Nison and 9 other guests fellowship and discuss Bible topics.
For More Bible Videos:
Does Yahweh Hate The Sinner?
Does Yahweh hate sinners? This is a lecture I recently gave in Phoenix Arizona.
Bible Sabbath Fellowship December 23rd 10pm est.
Paul Nison and 9 other friends fellowship and discuss Bible topics and we welcome in the Shabbat.
Enjoy The Bible Blessing
The bible says there are blessings waiting for those who listen to God’s word. It also says there are curses if you disobey. In this audio I explain about both of these and we talk about Christmas and other holidays that many Christians celebrate.
Temple of Baal in New York and Pagan Blood Sacrifice
It turns out the exact day when reproductions of the arch that stood in front of the Temple of Baal are going to be erected in Times Square in New York City and in Trafalgar Square in London is also the exact day when a very important occult festival related to the worship of Baal begins. Check out this video to learn more.
This is a followup video to the last video I did at this link
Proclaim His Name
We are called as believers to proclaim His name!
Every day we must find a way to let people know! Don’t let up. Go and do what you have been called to do, Proclaim His Name!
Overcoming Distractions in the Hebrew Roots
Some friends and I discuss the state of the Hebrew Roots!
We tackle the topics of: marriage, abuse, a man’s role, demons, and the distractions plaguing the set-apart people of Yahweh.
Cole Davis: http://www.OnThatDay.org
Paul Nison: http://www.TorahLifeMinistries.org
Zach Bauer: http://New2Torah.com
Sal Baldovinos: http://teshuvaministries.net
For More Bible Videos:
The Torah Life Facebook Page
Torah Life Facebook Group
For more health videos
My Health Store
Music by Joseph Israel (http://josephisrael.com)
Message To Christians: Stop Following The World!
We as believers should be set apart and stop following the ways of the world.
Preaching at Halloween Event Part 2
Preaching at Halloween Event Part 2
My Favorite Bible Music
I spend a good amount of time in my car and I really enjoy it because in my CD player is this amazing Bible Music CD by Joseph Israel. (www.JosephIsrael.com)
Here is an interview I just did with the singer.
I enjoy this CD so much and I know you will also that I decided to sell it on my site.
Click this link to purchase
Sing to Yahweh, all the earth, proclaim the news from day to day of His salvation (Y’shua)
-1 Chronicles 16:23