Tag Archives: Hell
Nice Police, Good Message, Wicked Students!
Police are so nice in Virginia while I was Preaching at a University
Is Beer Okay To Drink? (Open-air Preaching)
Is Beer Okay To Drink? (Open-air Preaching)
Hate The Sin and Hate The Sinner Lecture
Here is my most recent lecture about why Yahweh hates the sin and the sinner.
Christains Who Don’t Like Open-Air Preaching
A group of young Christians question us if we are spreading love or hate by open air preaching.
Live Sabbath Fellowship with Paul Nison Aug. 21st. 10pm
Paul Nison and Teddy Willson host a live Sabbath Bible talk with 8 other guests.
Here is the Torah teaching for this Shabbat
Torah Portion #48 Shof’tim (Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9)
Here is the teaching by Paul Nison
Here is the teaching by Teddy Wilson
The Bible Truth About Hell
Brother Teddy Wilson from http://www.yahwehsmessenger.com/
teaches what the Bible says about Hell.
God Doesn’t Want You To Eat Animals
God Doesn’t Want You To Eat Animals.
This is a reply to the video I posted at this link
Wicked People Will Die -Ezekiel 33:11
As surely as I live, says the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of wicked people. I only want them to turn from their wicked ways so they can live. Turn! Turn from your wickedness, O people of Israel! Why should you die? -Ezekiel 33:11
Shot and Stabbed but Survived (Open-air Preaching)
We were out preaching tonight and this man had such an amazing story we let him share it with the world. Praise Yahweh!
Paul Nison, Teddy Wilson and 8 other guests discuss Bible Topics
Paul Nison, Teddy WIlson and 8 other guests discuss Bible Topics
Torah Portion #44 D’varim (Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22)
Here is the Torah Teaching for this week from Paul Nison
Here is the Torah Teaching for this week from Teddy WIlson