Tag Archives: grace vs law
Bible Q&A: Sea Vegetables Kosher, Moses, Modesty, Grace, Head Coverings
Today I’m answering questions according to the Scriptures related to health and diet but other issues as well. Topics are, Sea Vegetables Kosher, seeds, Moses speaking to the rock, modesty, grace vs law, head coverings and more.
Law vs Grace and Roots of Yeshua, The Living Torah
Beware! Awaken! Keep your eyes open for false teachers teaching misleading messages about Yeshua. Today I talk about the real roots of Yeshua and speak about; Jude 1:4 I say this because some ungodly people have wormed their way into your churches, saying that Yahweh’s marvelous grace allows us to live immoral lives.
BIble Q&A: Grace vs Law
Today I answer questions people asked me about the commandments and if we should still follow them today.
Why Do I Keep The Torah?
Today a Christian Woman asked me why I strive to keep Yahweh’s Torah if I believe in Yeshua? Little did she know Yeshua is the Torah in the flesh, the living Torah.