Tag Archives: Fear
New Covenant or Renewed Covenant?
by tlmadmin on July 01, 2013 in with 2 Comments
Someone asked me this question…
Why do say renewed covenant, when God said it would be a new covenant?
This video is my answer.
God Is Good. We Are Not Good!
by tlmpost on March 24, 2012 in with No Comments
There is a path before each of us that seems right but ends in death. We are all going to die one day but we can decide how long or short we live. This video is one of the most important videos I ever posted. Please forward it to everyone and anyone. Thank You!
Fear Yahweh, Not Man!
by tlmadmin on August 12, 2010 in with No Comments
Yahweh comforts us so why should we fear man? Awake! Awake! The fear of Yahweh is man’s true treasure and he that has it shall have a long life with shalom.
This video is for the Haftarah Shof’tim Isiah 51:12-52:12