Tag Archives: Dean Wheelock
Sukkot Reflections and Blessings
Sukkot Reflections and Blessings
Divisions in Torah
This message is for people who need an attitude adjustment!
Touching The Bible
In this video I talk with the Author of a new book about The Bible.
The Author Moshe Shachar is from Israel. The website for the book is http://www.touching-the-bible.com
What are the requirements for Christians according to The Bible
Dean Wheelock has a ministry http://www.hebrewroots.net that is a teaching ministry dedicated to exploring the Hebraic roots of the Christian Faith.
Gentiles and The Law
Are there any Scriptures that say Gentiles do not need to keep the law? Do we even know what the law is? This video will reveal the answer to both questions and more.
Dean Wheelock answers the question. You can view his website at http://www.hebrewroots.net
How I found Hebrew Roots
Another great sorry of how someone discovered Hebrew Roots.
Dean Wheelock has a ministry http://www.hebrewroots.net that is a teaching ministry dedicated to exploring the Hebraic roots of the Christian Faith. It began in the spring of 1996 when Dean & Susan Wheelock (husband and wife) felt a need to communicate to their friends and relatives what they had been learning about their Savior Y’shua HaMashiach (Yah-shoe’-ah Hah Mah-shee’-akh = Hebrew for ‘Jesus the Messiah’). Since that time this Mom and Pop Ministry has grown to include Subscribers from around the world as well as a significant number of incarcerated Believers.
Much of the teaching taking place in the Christian Community today ignores the fact that Y’shua is not only our promised Savior, He was also a first century Jew. He was reared in the Jewish lifestyle of that day, as were nearly all of those with whom He came in contact.
dean wheelock, susan wheelock, hebrew roots, paul nison, Hebrew, torah, yhwh, yeshua,