Torah Portion #25 Tzav (Leviticus 6:1-8:36)
by tlmadmin on March 19, 2013
We continue to learn about the instructions of the offerings from the book of Leviticus. In this torah portion there is a shift from being general instructions for the people of Israel, to more specific directions for the priests of Israel.
The book I read from in this video was Torah Scope by William Mark Huey.
Brother Paul Shabbat Shalom I looking for a fellowship to worship at in my area, I live in Oviedo FL do you know of any ? I am so very bless from your teachings and listen to your videos often. I love the fact that you do not put down others that are not as knowledgeable as you are but say they are misled/misguided that is so humbling and kind . I use o listen to a Messianic Rabbi from new jersey but find him to be over the top. I wish I was near you. I go to a messianic synagone for the festivals most of their celebrations is a party no/very little significance to our Father or Yashua