Torah Portion #24 Vayikra (Leviticus 1:1-5:26)
This is the first Torah Portion in the book of Leviticus and talk about the 5 different types of offerings.
The complete book of Leviticus took place at Mt. Sani.
The Purpose of Leviticus is an instruction for the priests and Levites outlining their duties in worship. How to perform their duties, hot to be educated regarding Yah’s sacrifices, laws, etc. It is a guidebook of holy living for community of Israel.
The word “Leviticus” means, “that which pertains to the Levites.
The theme of the book are the requirments to be set apart to YHWH
The overwhelming message of Leviticus is the holiness of Our Creator,
“you must be holy because I, Yahweh your God is holy -Leviticus 19:2
Holiness in mentioned more times (152) than in any other book of the Bible.
This is the first Torah Portion in the book of Leviticus and talks about the 5 different types of offerings.
How to perform their duties, how to be educated regarding Yah’s sacrifices, laws, etc. It is a guidebook of Holy living for community of Israel.
The overwhelming message of Leviticus is the Holiness of Our Creator,
“you must be Holy because I, Yahweh your God am holy -Leviticus 19:2
Christians get confused with all these rules (even tho they have been brought up with a lot of traditional rules) but these seem in addition so become overwhelmed (my feeling). Issue with presenting OT vs NT is to help explain that these are guidelines, instructions on how to deal with sertain things eg diet, cleanliness etc which are still current. Also, Paul, I wonder if there is a Torah portion to explain what ordinances have been changed. As there are no Levitical priests now, that is another reason people get confused. Some ordinances remain, some are modified. eg Passover lamb
It is not heard or difficult to know what we are to do as believers. It is very clear in Scripture. The only hard part is to stop living in the flesh and to start realizing we have been giving the instructions to live by our wonderful Creator.
hi paul , i am still struggling with how to live by the torah. growing up in a pentecostal church with the belief that the old testament is not really relevant that it all about the history of israel. now i realize that its needed above all traditional beliefs.i pray that yeshua will open mine eyes.