The Sin That Caused My Divorce
If you are a believer and seeking marriage please make sure you take the time to listen to Yahweh and do diligence to assure you are not unequally yoked. In this video I explain the big sin I committed that led to my divorce and how I handled the repercussions of it.
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Brother Paul, I have also been divorced and tried not to except this as YeHoVah will for our lives. I did not want this divorce and have tried on multiple occasions to reconcile but my ex has been remarried to an abusive man and I have tried to be a safe haven for her to escape but she has been abusive to me and our daughter as recently as this week. I feel that this subject you have brought to my attention was actually God that is working in my life. I watch your teachings daily sometimes more. They are a breath of fresh air to me, my ex was not willing to watch you it just made her sick to hear your voice. I had to have her removed from my home Monday and have been feeling bad for doing so but I know that I know it was YeHoVah that has directed mine and your paths in our lives. I watch the Friday night fellowship and enjoy them tremendously. May you be blessed and all your loved ones. Shalom brother Paul. P.S. please pray for myself and my ex because she has returned to her abusive drug addicted husband at this time and I have felt confused and depressed, but I will lift you and your ministry in my prayers. I have been consumed with my elderly parents mental and physical health issues and adk that you also lift myself, my ex, my daughter and both of my parents up in your prayers. Thank you and may God bless you mightliy.
š lol
Thank you for sharing. I know it must have been difficult. Your girls are precious treasures. Prayers for you.
Hi Paul
I have followed you for quite a while I think you are a fantastic teacher and preacher both about the bible and diet. You know so much more than me I have learned so much from you and that is why I really felt the need to respond to your video and send you this email. I strongly believe you are commiting a sin in having a new relationship
The bible has very clear instruction on Marriage and divorce and although your wife leaving you was not your fault and I totally understand you did EVERYTHING in your power to save the relationship the top and bottom of it is the only 2 things that are acceptable in Yahwehs eyes for divorce is Adultery and Death and you and your ex wife are neither of these things. It states it very clearly in scripture. So unless your wife has gone to bed with another man since braking up then you are free and I wish you well for the future BUT if your ex wife has not had sexual relations with another then you still remain to each other anyone who divorces his wife and goes or marry’s another women commits adultery even if it was the wife who was the one who left. I know you say in your video that Yahweh put this woman there for you? Maybe he did maybe he did not. It could of been a test for you? Yahweh would never go against his own scriptures I will say a prayer for you Paul. This email was not to condemn you in anyway or to make you feel bad because at the end of the day we are all sinners we all fall short of grace and non of us are perfect but I just don’t want to see go down the wrong road when you have done so much fantastic works and called so many people back to Yahweh.
All the best
Lisa x
im sorry to hear of your pain that you and your children went through …. I know it’s very hard to be alone. im glad ti hear ABBA has blessed you ….YESHUA KEEP YOU and continue to BLESS You “remember HE IS OUR RITCHEOUSNESS SHALOM SHALOM
Thank you Pastor or Rabbi Nison!!
The Lord knows your heart and why you got a divorce. Don’t worry about why people thinks. I pray for your and I thank you for your ministry.
Thank you for Paul for explaining what has transpired in your life. Our society and legal system set a very different standard than God’s, and the system can present a temptation that would not exist in God’s Kingdom. I think your situation is really no different than if you began with two wives, and one simply left!
There is nothing you could, or can, do if your wife simply ran away! Hope you many blessings, and may God put a God Fearing woman in your life, that will help in the rough places, and not run away.
Shalom B’Yeshua HaMashiach!
Thank you for sharing; I’ve been there, done that. My ex-husband gave me an option, it was either him or the church! I had tried very hard for 5 yrs to make him happy, but what he wanted I couldn’t to, like NOT keeping God’s 7th day Sabbath & holy days, and TO EAT PORK!!! I had no other option, in my opinion! Now many yrs later, he and his wife of many yrs are my bro & sis in the Lord and we get along fine. :o)
Paul, I’m sorry your marriage ended. I can see you are hurt.
Shalom Paul, sounds like abandonment on her end. Just wondering if she changes her mind and wants to come back, what would you do?
Tough topic, far more than a topic but life altering. Let no one judge you unless they have taken the plank out of their eye first, and even then it must be done in love. We all fall short, so you are in good company!
Brother Paul, No one wants to have divisions in Marriage or family. I am glad you shared the facts. The facts are that many people are hiding another adgenda when they marry. That adgenda does not include submission to God and His ways. It can be a life of living hell for the one who serves the Lord, it can be very damaging to the children as well. It is a known fact for example that many Gay men marry straight women, Christian women preferably , because they desire to hide their sin lives and that is a very good way to do so. It is a fact that God’s people since the beginning of the New Testament have been used as pawns and cover for unscrupulous, wicked, and dishonest individuals and their behavior and true selves. We who have been caught up in this kind of relationship, have been tried in the furnace of affliction and sorrow, and have learned to grow spiritually as a result hopefully. At age 70 I will stay single, its all I can do just to take care of myself let alone another person. I have learned to pray for my former spouse, and to let him lead his own life without commenting on it. I simply try to keep my relationship with my children healthy and kind towards him as much as possible. He is a troubled man and my mental health and spiritual life is much better without him . I was crushed by the betrayals, and the unfaithfulness and the lack of love. God has used me to intercede for others and learn much about forgiveness. He will lift you up and give you life again through His presence and kindness to the broken hearted.
Thank you
Teacher itĀ“s 5784/2024 and i canĀ“t watch the video.
So what was the sin ? I want to learn and grow.