The Bible VS. Christianity

by on June 15, 2016

Someone recently sent me a comment of the difference between the old covenant and the new covenant. It seems to be more of The Bible versus Christianity. In this teaching I address the topics he presented.

4 comments on “The Bible VS. Christianity

  1. Anita Littleton on said:

    I know that Yahweh has lead me to this site, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your obedience. I have procrastinated far to long. But I know I must walk in my calling to teach HIS Truth in LOVE, bridging the gap from error to TRUTH. Your site found me last night 6-21-2016 .What YOU are TEACHING IS EXACTLY what the father has been trying to pull me into for sometime now. You teach with such clarity and simplicity. Bringing us back to the basics of His word. WOW you are truly a BLESSING. THANK YOU AGAIN for YOUR obedience to follow the VOICE of Yahweh in launching this site. Some PEOPLE are hungry for GREATER truth. ThaTHANK YOU THANK YOU… .

  2. Amanda Payne on said:

    I saw you on Rood’s Health conference and thought I’d check out your site. Wow! Yes thank you for speaking the truth! It is so rare these days and I’m so disgusted by the mega church grace perversion twisting YHVH’s Word. I appreciate what you do and thank you!

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