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Our Vision
I have a clear vision for Torah Life Ministries.
The Focus
1. Teaching believers how to prepare, restore and protect their health.
2. Teaching non-believers about the good news of Yeshua.
The Topics
1. Educating people about eating and living healthy.
2. Educating people to dress modest, live modest and glorify Yahweh!
The Goal
Using Yahweh’s guidelines and instructions, His Torah, to achieve obedience so we can thank Yahweh for something we can never deserve, His gift of Yeshua.
We all need to keep the body in a healthy condition and glorify Yahweh in all areas of life. Our health needs to display His Torah (instructions) of how we live. Our heart needs to display gratification always for what he gives us each day, Yeshua.
As I started teaching my health message in churches, surprisingly I saw more prayer for the healing of disease than any other topic. I wondered how these people had the greatest health book ever written in their hands and were still experiencing disease. I thought that instead of praying for healing of disease, they should have been praising Yahweh for wonderful health. This observation troubled me.
After more time in various assemblies and churches, I became aware of the problem. The majority of people weren’t reading their Scriptures, and the people who were, weren’t following the instructions.
The first thought bewildered me. How can people not be inspired to read the instructional book of life, Our Creator’s very own guidelines on how to live a long life in health, peace, and joy? After realizing it had taken me many years also to open the book and read it for the first time, I understood the answer. We need to be ready to explore the information firsthand for ourselves. Often it takes a dramatic near-death experience for someone to be ready to see what our Creator has to offer.
The second thought revealed a more common issue, people reading but not willing to follow what the Scriptures say. Whether it is because lack of faith, lack of understanding, deception, or addiction to living certain lifestyles, many so-called believers today are not willing to entirely change their lives to go along with the instructions of the Scriptures, found in the Torah.
The sad fact is that we live in a world today where the majority of people are not interested in learning and obeying Yahweh’s Word. We have more people living today against the guidelines found in the instruction book of life than ever before. We are also in a time when there is more disease and sickness than ever before. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out the connection.
It says in Scripture that many are called, but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14). However, I believe the correct translation is, “Many are called, but few choose.” We each have a choice, and our actions reveal our hearts. If you seek to follow master Yahweh’s plan, He will supply all your needs and bless you. You have to take responsibility for your choices. Many people do not like to confess it, but deep within their hearts, they realize the way they live and the choices they make result in the condition of their overall health or lack of it.
I see countless people in the health field searching for other ways to attain great health, but there is no other way in the history of the world that has the power that Yahweh has. History speaks for itself. Praise Yahweh that we can be with Him if we choose (Deuteronomy 4:32-34). No food, doctor, special diet, or exercise is going to give us the protection and blessings that He can give us.
I understand the urge to rely on numerous methods of healing. However, few of these are from Yahweh, and if you want to be healthy and enjoy our Creator’s awesome power, you must detach from putting your faith in things that are not from Yahweh.
Deuteronomy 5:8-9 warns us that we must not have any idols in our lives or bow down and worship any other gods. If we do these things, not only will we suffer, but our future generations will also suffer. He lavishes His unfailing love on those who love Him and obey His commands for thousands of generations, but He does not hesitate to punish and destroy those who reject Him (Deuteronomy 7: 9-11).
Yahweh loves those who love and obey Him and only Him! (Deut 5:10). If you obey, you will enjoy a long life (Deuteronomy 6:2). That word ‘enjoy’ is so powerful and makes all the difference. What good is a long life if there is no joy?
Yahweh (Yahweh) is the one true Creator in both Heaven and Earth, and there is no other! If you obey all His decrees and commands, all will be well with you and your children. You will enjoy a long life. (Deuteronomy 4:39-40).
But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. —Matthew 6:33.
In order to obey the instructions of Yahweh your Creator which I am giving you, do not add to what I am saying, and do not subtract from it. —Deuteronomy 4:2.
After traveling all over the world, I’ve seen various eating customs and traditions, and the majority of them are breaking the command to keep our temples (our bodies) clean and pure. People are destroying their temples with every abomination to their lives. The most often used weapon to destroy the vessels Yahweh has given us is eating!
Hear, oh earth! I am going to bring disaster on this people; it is the consequence of their own way of thinking; for they pay no attention to My words; and as for My Torah, they reject it. —Jeremiah 6:19
I created this ministry to reveal what the Scriptures have said about our health and also how we should eat: not only the type of food that is good for us, but when, why, and how to consume it, as well as what foods to avoid.
No matter what your situation, you can change your ways and begin to eat more along the lines Scripture guides us toward. No matter how far you may have backslidden from the instruction guide, it is not too late to start doing what is right. I’ve seen people with the worst diseases overcome their health issues by using the principles herein.
I have started Torah Life Ministries based on these principles. With this ministry, it is my passion to reveal to believers all around the world that they must take care of their health, and they need to eat more healthfully. Another branch of this ministry is to teach the nonbelievers of this world who already know about eating healthfully that we have a Maker of all things. The food they are eating and the world we live in all come from Yahweh, and no matter how much good food we consume, we must confess Yeshua is Messiah if we want to be saved.
Finally I have noticed an even more urgent issue that Yahweh has put on my heart to get the message out about, modesty. The enemy has discovered a way to get to the root of each believer and when the so-called believer eats, acts, and looks like the non-believers, they will get the same result. As believers we are called set apart for a reason.
However, when you have just as many people sick in the church as out of the church and the same divorcee rate, something is wrong. So a big passion of my ministry is not only teaching people how to take care of their inside but also their outside. We need to glorify Yahweh in every area! Simply, we need to be modest!
People ask me which part of my ministry is more challenging. A simple answer is, “It is easier to change a man’s religion than to change a man’s diet or lifestyle.” Whoever you may be reading this site, I am not trying to change your ways or convert you to something you are not ready for. I only want you to understand that wherever you are, there is a more excellent way.
The Scriptures are truly the best health book ever written. They are about complete health from a physical, emotional, and spiritual standpoint. If you want to identify the supreme way to eat for ultimate health, search the Scriptures, and you will locate your answer. The Scriptures (James 1:17) proclaim all that is good comes from Yahweh.
The health puzzle facing so many of us today can be solved with simple scriptural answers:
The keys to good health are:
- Learn what Yahweh wants for you, and pray about it!
- Take action, and live according to His instructions!
- Enjoy all His blessings!
This exciting discovery means we all have the capability to be healthy!
The closer our relationship is with Yahweh, the more we will identify and understand what He desires for us. He does not want us to be sick, and He never wanted us to suffer with disease. He wants us to love Him and understand that He created us, and He can keep us healthy.
Yahweh ordered us to observe all these laws, to fear Yahweh our Creator, always for our own good, so that He might keep us alive, as we are today.
It will be righteousness for us if we are careful to obey all these instructions before Yahweh our Creator, just as He ordered us to do. —Deuteronomy 6:24-25
Deuteronomy 4:1 tells us we are to listen and obey, so we may live! All of Scripture has this same message. We are not instructed to do any more or any less than study, obey, and believe! Yahweh will take care of everything else, showering us with many blessings if we just do those three things.
If you want to live a long, healthy, joyful life, you need to realize that we are all going to die one day, and we can assure our eternal salvation only by the blood of our Messiah Yeshua. However, it’s by keeping Torah (Yahweh’s instructions and guidelines) that we are blessed with great health and joy while in our physical, earthly body.
There are many good-hearted believers attending assemblies all over the world who are being deceived about the role of responsibility and obedience to Torah (the commandments, will, and guidelines of Yahweh). Consistent with the idea of grace without works, they experience the same diseases as nonbelievers.
Whether you comprehend it or not, if you don’t fully seek to obey His will for your life, your chances of getting disease will be immense! Yahweh is near to all those who choose to obey Him (James 4:8). The more we seek His path, the more He blesses us with wisdom and understanding. Disease is usually the result of us choosing to take our own path instead of the one He has laid out for us.
It is my vision to use the gifts Yahweh has given me so I can help awaken people to the truth. My prayer is that you haven’t overlooked this significant message I’m trying to convey to you about your health.
If you live in obedience to Yahweh and always seek to honor and please Him, Yahweh will bless you with every kind of good fruit, and you will grow and learn more and more as you continue to draw closer to Yahweh (Colossians 1:10).
For I know the plans I have for you, says Yahweh. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. -Jeremiah 29:11
Torah Life Ministries
My Vision / Your Vision
With your help and support we can continue our vision of:
- Helping believers stay energized and healthy so they have more time to spread the good news.
- Traveling the world and helping believers who are sick and diseased get well.
- Keeping healthy believers from getting sick.
- Guiding everyone to the true teachings of YHWH.
- Opening the eyes and ears of all who seek YHWH while revealing the enemy’s deception to the world.
- Help people be aware and set an example of how we should dress and live.
- Teaching about all aspects of health from a spiritual, physical and emotional standpoint.
- Only selling products on my website offered by companies who use scriptural ethics.
- Only have employees and volunteers who are righteous believers of Yahshua.
- Supporting other believers by helping them get their messages and products to the public.
- Creating a network for health seekers who believe in Yeshua.
- Your help and support can come in many different ways, but the best thing you can do is pray for Torah Life Ministries. There are other ways you can help:
Support our web-store http://www.rawlife.com/ instead of secular web-stores!