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Meeting The Need
It is on my heart to meet a growing need of preparing people right now, according to Yahweh’s guidelines and instructions.
It is the blood of Yeshua our Messiah that we are saved by, however if our heart is not willing to bend towards Father Yahweh’s direction,s what does that truly say about our heart and our Salvation?
To His disciples Yeshua said, “Because of this I tell you, don’t worry about your life — what you will eat or drink; or about your body — what you will wear.
For life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing. —Luke 12:22-23
Some people and ministries today teach about the history of the Scriptures in regard to past, some teach about the future and what is to come. Torah Life Ministries and Paul Nison are meeting a need to teach about the present, while learning from the past and preparing for the future!
We all need to keep the body in a healthy condition and glorify Yahweh in all areas of life. Our health needs to display His Torah (instructions) of how we live.
As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the person
-Proverbs 27:19
The way we take take care of the temple (our body) that Yahweh has blessed us with needs to be the study of life. We cannot glorify our Creator if we do not pay attention to His instructions and guidelines, His Torah, on how to, dress, eat and live.
We need to be prepared for the end times. Yahweh showed us often in His word the root of all evil must be destroyed for the sake of the community. Today people, even so-called believers are not taking care of their bodies. Inside they are sick, outside they are not dress according to Yahweh’s instructions. Both of these actions are common tricks of the enemy to tempt us away from Yahweh. He has succeeded.
The world is addicted to foods that are not healthy and the common so-called believer today will claim Yahweh can do all things, except get them off coffee, cigarettes or cure cancer. We need to know the link between health and diet. We need to understand Yahweh’s healthful eating plan.
Lack of knowledge, faith and passion in combination with the enemy’s devices are keeping the whole community of Yahweh at risk. Paul Nison sees a need in this area because there are not many teachers out there discussing these topics.
If we look to man for salvation, we may easily be led astray, just as many people today are being misled. They are following man’s laws instead of Yahweh’s guide. A time is coming when we will all be judged not by our man-made laws, but by Yahweh’s suggestions that were designed to last forever.
Just because man decided to replace Yahweh’s requests with his own ways doesn’t mean the guide originally given to us by Yahweh has changed. We are still accountable. Yahweh is the final judge, and He will judge us in His court on His time.
Paul often observes people in love with individuals doing outrageous things to prove their love. We need to be in love with Yahweh, and the best way to show Him how much we love Him is to do our best is to learn His words and live by them.
He is our Creator who made us, and His Word is the truth. If your car broke down, you would open the glove compartment and look at the manual to see how to fix it. You also check that manual when you first get the car to see how to keep it in good working order. We are created by Him, and His manual for our well-being is the Scriptures.
We all need to start living a life according to Yahweh’s guide! After Yahweh made us, He gave us His safety instructions as a guide to help us live righteously. His guidebook is the Scriptures; when we live according to its teachings, we will experience health and happiness throughout life.
If you do suffer from disease, take personal responsibility and have amazing faith, knowing Yahweh will heal you. You must consistently focus on Yahweh’s Word and stay strong in faith! This, along with action, will bring healing to you. Hallelu-Yah!
If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures. —Job 36:11 [NKJV]